Summary: A card that compliments traces that are weak in payoff. E.g. Gutenberg, Macrophage, Traffic Analyzer.

Traces can be explained in game theory, where the Corp decides on their strategy (Boosting trace) before the Runner decides on theirs (Boosting Link). Therefore as the Corp, it is best to make the payout of both Runner choices as close as possible, since it is certain that the Runner will choose the least bad option given optimal play & similar value assessment.

The only basic action available for the Corp to change the payout balance is boosting the trace by using credits. This lowers the payout for winning the trace (since credits spent are "wasted"), BUT does NOT affect the payout for losing the trace (each credit spent is contested by an equal spending by the Runner, assuming equal value of credits for both side). The action favors traces with an payouts far outvaluing the credits that the Corp would spend for it, common examples are SEA Source in the SEA Scorch combo, Punitive Counterstrike, Hard-Hitting News. These cards do not work well with Aryabhata Tech since the winning case payout is already so far ahead that the Runner would be contesting the trace whenever possible most of the time.

This card increases the payout for winning the trace, which increases the expected payout of the trace. In my jank Aryabhata Tech, Surat City Grid, Traffic Analyzer trace spam deck, this card sways the balance of the Traffic Analyzer trace payoff matrix. Now instead of just a +1 (win) vs a +2 (loss), which Runners will let it fire obviously for a marginal expected gain of +1, it is now a +3 (win) vs a +2 (loss), where Runners are expected to contest for a gain of +2, double the original payout.