If you use Afterimage, and you are Criminal, then Penumbral Toolkit should be included in your deck. You can even install it for free. At 2 influences, it is sometime use in Shaper deck instead of Trickster Taka. It is like a Cold Read, but without the trash effect on the program.
It is a good fit for Criminal. It will be even better if Criminal ever get other stealth breakers (which would fit the theme).
Consider: Overclock is good. Even if you're not running stealth breakers, this can be an overclock saved for later. And credit pool attacks can't hit it. It's a click for 4 credits, Sure Gamble efficiency. They are usable to trash cards too, since the only restriction is "during runs."
— IkomaTanomori
This is so much better than Ghost runner. Too bad, criminal stealth isn't at the best spot right now.
— Krams