SSO Asteroid Fish Replicator

connorhalo 141

This is my SSO deck. Masvingo is new and untested, but the rest of the deck has been aces. It goes so fast and gives the runner so many ugly choices. It comes back quickly from being poor (hence no IPO).

Code Replicator and Red Herrings help stop criminal and bypass shenanigans in the early game. Also, accessing that CWP and then realizing you can't afford to steal it makes runners cry.

I'm about 9-1 with this deck (I took out Swordsman and stuck in Masvingo. We'll see how it goes.)

5 May 2018 RepoRogue

What does Red Planet Couriers do for you? The only situation I can see where it would be useful is if you install a 5/3 on your last click and then next turn RPC. But besides that, it doesn't save you money and only saves at best two clicks.

6 May 2018 connorhalo

@RepoRogueRPC has won me a couple of games where I've: Click 1: install a second piece of ice in my scoring server Click 2: Fast Track for a CWP Click 3: Play a econ operation. The runner thinks he as at least a turn left and will often money up and dig for programs. Next turn, RPC and it's over.