Jesminder's Christmas Carol

hat_hair 255

Tried out Siphon Jes for a GNK event. This deck needs work. Nearly lost a game when someone managed to land 4 ice on R&D without any tracers or barriers. Also a third Levy would be useful. Might just go for a bunch of Sharpshooters and Deus Exes, but could also just add a Crypsis or something. I would go Faust, but then I'd have to drop a Siphon. Also, more draw would be useful. Code Siphon hasn't been amazing, so that can probably go. Could probably also go down to one Sacrificial Construct and drop the Notoriety and be fine.

4 Dec 2016 PureFlight

Did you find you had econ issues in the early game? Or is MO enough?

How would you feel about Sadyojata with the Panchanchanchans?

Did you like Citadel? Are you just leaving the hoppers on the table for the link?

5 Dec 2016 hat_hair

Early game I did not find much issue. Landing an Account Siphon or getting out an MO was generally enough to get the ball rolling.

Sadyojata would essentially be another Gingerbread but more expensive and less reliable. It would free up some influence, but this setup lets you break through a 3 ice server relatively easily.

Citadel was great, as along as you have more money than the Corp. Hoppers are good for the link, but I was tending to leave at least one down for damage protection on the day. The draw is vital, though, as I needed to see those siphons early and often.