Fast times at New Angeles 1.4 - Burnie Store Champs 3rd Plac

CascadeHush 61

Lots of zero cost cards to benefit from Adam's free draw. Overmind was swapped in at the last minute but worked well. Paricia to help with Neutralize all threats. 3 copies of Brain Chip to get it out ASAP. Exclusive party is used as a deck thinning strategy. Spy cameras to help decide at the start of a turn if a run on R&D is worthwhile.

14 Jul 2016 GarrattJ

So, I'm curious, I exported your deck into and it's saying the deck is invalid, that it lacks 3 "Directives: in play, do you have any idea what it's talking about?

14 Jul 2016 Pinkwarrior

@GarrattJ For Jinteki you need to add the 3 mandatory cards that adam starts with Always Be Running,Neutralize All Threats & Safety First.

14 Jul 2016 GarrattJ

@PinkwarriorThanks! I should have Googled it before asking, but couldn't figure out how to delete the comment after I found out.

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