Bennett's Kablam

beyoken 6110

variation of this deck

25 Feb 2015 frost-duty

Trust me Ben, you don't want Hive. It does not work well in this deck. At all.

Once you score a cleaners (which you really want to do if you can!) its utility is massively reduced, and if you get to six points then its a dead draw. Add in the fact that late game datapike is a dead draw and that's 5 pieces of ICE which are completely useless.

26 Feb 2015 AfroCelt

I respectfully disagree. Datapike and Hive are there for early game ETR and have the added benefit of not being targets of D4v1d, a card I see in almost every match at the moment. I'd definitely drop Hive to 2x, but overall the basis is sound.

It's very similar to the decklist of the week, though...

If this deck was built modified to that one, you may want to credit the source in the "derived from" field.

26 Feb 2015 AfroCelt

addendum: finding room for 1x or 2x hadrian's wouldn't be a bad idea either

26 Feb 2015 frost-duty

Oh I know, I built the original version :P I did a lot of experimentation with Hive, and eventually was very happy to have hadrians instead. The thing is that you don't really need too much early game ETR, especially not if it sacrifices your late game. The current ICE setup in this version simply isn't taxing enough late, in fact this has far too much early ICE and not enough late ICE as it currently stands.

I also really find people overestimate D4v1D. Yes, it's really good, but it also only has 3 counters... a single curtain rez thus takes an entire D4v1D to break. The question then becomes, how many times can the recur it? If you can just get them to make a couple of runs you can use up all the tokens, then they need to find recursion or a new one. Overall I always found this card to be a very temporary problem, and it isn't really an answer to a deck that can easily require you to get through Curtain, Hadrians and Fire Wall just to do one single run.

27 Feb 2015 AfroCelt

I really should read more carefully and associate decks with names. My apologies.

I've been messing around with a variant on frost's deck as well. I still like 2x Fire Wall, 2x Hive and then going for Hadrians after that...I feel that hive is simply better than Bastion early and they're both bad late....though with this deck I really don't score many agendas.

Thank you both for this interesting discussion.

27 Feb 2015 beyoken

@frost-duty I think you bring up a very good point. Anarchs won't have infinite D4v1ds on hand (heck, even a MaxX I played ended up milling too much recursion to afford recurring D4v1d to get through a Tollbooth!) I'll definitely find room for Hadrian's on my next go.

@AfroCelt Sounds like a good game plan indeed!

27 Feb 2015 frost-duty

@AfroCelt no apology necessary man. I think the reason I like bastion is that it's not too awful late, it's still a 3 credit tax on corroder, which is never terrible. It's excellent to put on archives to stop it being used as a security testing server against crims as well.

In my mind it's never a dead draw, unlike hive.

@bewnt Exactly. It's generally not too hard to make it a scarce resource.