Grandma Takes Over the World Alone

MustardJoe 58

An updated version of a weird Baba Iain deck I made called "Grandma and Grandpa Take Over the World", we've left Grandpa at home and are zooming around the world at top speed.

The point is to counter the now resurgent glacier builds by quickly building an extremely efficient Baba Yaga. Win condition is Indexing spam and remote lock. Once Grandma's all ready to go, I like to rebirth into Smoke (free money) or Jesminder (avoid tags). When Akiko Nisei comes out, she'd also be a strong option.

Other options I've been playing with is to get some drip econ, but I feel like you need the burst money to get set up quickly. A Legwork or Turning Wheel might be good as well, to add some HQ pressure. Might consider putting in some more fast-advance hate.

11 May 2018 BlackCherries

Is it just me or do you have no multi-access (excluding Indexing)?

I can see DDM being of little value to you but what about The Maker's Eye? At least slot in a Turning Wheel.

11 May 2018 RepoRogue

Indexing+Mad Dash has excellent synergy and is better in any deck that can afford to run multiple times in a single turn.

12 May 2018 wait what

If you replace Inti with Paperclip and Ice Carver with a third Personal Touch you can get your whole rig out as soon as you have the money.

  • Wu -> SMC -> Baba
  • Wu -> Paperclip
  • Wu -> SMC (overwriting Paperclip before it'd be RFG'd) -> Inti
  • Wu -> SMC -> Mongoose

And then reinstall Clippy when it's needed.

12 May 2018 wait what

Uh, and by "-> Inti" I mean "-> Na'Not'K", clearly. ;)

12 May 2018 wait what

... Gordian Blade. I am a complete mess today.

12 May 2018 MustardJoe

@wait what Oh, interesting. I hadn't considered that interacting with Paperclip before. I'll give it a shot and see how I like it.

@BlackCherries I haven't felt short on multi-access in the games so far, but I agree that Turning Wheel wouldn't be bad. I feel like it's a bit of an R&D non-bo with Indexing, but would give me some HQ pressure. If I'm really hurting for that, though, I might just put in a Legwork and an extra copy of Same Old Thing.

12 May 2018 MustardJoe

@wait what Also, looking over this again, once I have the rig setup, there really isn't any advantage to Ice Carver vs. a 3rd Personal Touch, and swapping that out would give me 3 more influence to play with...