Nasir steals the Source and gets Notorious

Dydra 2805

Hello everyone,

I've been trying to make Nasir work for quite some time. I always knew that his power in spitting out rig through Personal Workshop early game is unmatched. However, I found Nassir really lacking into the late game and doing really hard against Midseason, traces and even dealing with trashing assets.

However, when I saw the Chaos Theory at Worlds, that was spitting out stuff through PW with Stimhack .... then it hit me, that Nassir could do the same just fine, but even faster ... Also I implemented a strategy that would work out only for him.

Let's take a look at Nassir early game. When you setup PW with some programs on it, the corp will be very reluctant to rezz ICE, because they don't want to give you "free" credits to spit out your rig. That's why they will often choose not to rezz and give you a "free" access to 1 card ... what could happen that much? That's where Notoriety comes in. If you draw it early and the corp chooses to give you that access while they are still at 1 layer of ICE - bam , free points :) If they choose to rezz the ice - bam, you spit out your rig :)

I also read El-Ad's article here , who has came to a lot of conclusions similar to mine and provided me with some base breakers/ideas for my deck. The most important of which is the Magnum Opus.

You will see that my deck is somewhat different from him ( not only Notoriety), so lets talk about some certain card choices

  • Code Siphon - this is a really nice addition, which talking last weekend with a friend came to my mind. The card is invented for Nassir early game and if Notoriety doesn't work for you, I'd put 2 more Code Siphons on its place. Look at it with the same strategy - they choose to not rezz ice so they don't give you money? Good, you will install with Code Siphon. They choose to rezz ice? Ok, you get credits to install of PW :) It's a win-win

  • 3x Order of Sol - you will see that in El-Ad's list he has only two. However, Order of Sol is just too good damn card for Nassir, especially if you play Notoriety. Notoriety costs 1, which means that if somehow you end up with 0 credits after th 3 central runs, you "automatically" get 1 to cast it :)

  • 3x Astrolabe - against NEH, PE and RP ( 3 of the 4 dominant Corp identities at the moment) just gives you too much. You want to hit it as early as possible. Also that 1 extra MU is just priceless when you decide to play MO early, or you hit your d4v1d/imp

  • 2x Femme Fatale and no mimic - Looking at the fact that you play 2x Scavage, 3x Stimhack ... and that Femme gets around so much problematic ICE with some Encounter effects like Data Raven and Tollbooth .... Why not? El-Ad has mimic in his mix, which I admit is useful early game ... but just taking a look except the ability to call it through SMC for 5c ... it is worse than Femme. The sentries that mimic goes through and femme doesn't ... is ... architect?! just about that

  • Feedback Filter is there to eliminate and jinteki PE threat with, or without, the DeusEx assistance :)

Cards that I don't like in this deck

  • D4v1d - I found out to do very very small work for me. Only reason I have it is that I have 4 free Influence and it seems to be the most suitable card that costs so much. Honestly DeusEX and Sharpshooter handle any emergency situation you might have with some bad ICE and Femme gets around Tollbooths better. Also many many ICE currently are with 4 str - Ichi 1.0 , Information Overload, Data Raven, which D4v1d does nothing against.

This is the first Nassir deck that I feel is REALLY stable and I will play it until Order and Chaos hits for sure ;) go nuts

7 Jan 2015 CJFM

You took a stable deck and put Notoriety in it, reduced plascretes, and fudged El-ad's numbers, and call it the 'first...REALLY stable' Nasir deck? You haven't played his version enough to understand the card numbers or inclusions. I've never, not once, been able to successfully run all of a corp's iced centrals with Nasir, let alone had a credit available after. You will never have the cash for feedback filter. I get the sense that you haven't even played this deck. I also question your Sharpshooter logic.

7 Jan 2015 CJFM

Sorry, I meant 'D4vid' not sharpshooter.

7 Jan 2015 Dydra

@CJFM , I've played that deck enough, especially against NEH :) I haven't taken El-ads list and "reduced plascreetes" and whatnot :) Feedback filter is for Brain damage, you have Deus EX for net and 3c will often hang around.

As I said, I had this idea long before El-ad post that article. The decks are quite different. for example you will see 0 of Ghost Runner here, which he spent half of his article explaining why he likes it.

I simply took some ideas like the MO and some 1-time silver bullets like Cyber-Cypher and translated them into my already existing deck :)

I see you are an El-ad fanboy and I could understand why you defend him ... just don't go too far.

Also what is to not udnerstand about d4v1d? I explained it quite well ... too many ICE on 4 STR which he does nothing against and even against large ice with teeth like Archer .... he is fairly week. Only ice that d4v1d really deals with is Tollbooth, but you have Femme for that as well. Also in Anarch you might want it, since it's your only safebelt .... but in faction where you have DeusEx and Sharpshooter for 0 influence ...

I simply put it there, because if I don't go for 15/15 influence it will honestly bug me.

7 Jan 2015 CJFM

@Dydra Couple of things, in no order of importance. These are meant to be constructive observations.

1) Look, your deck is about 90% the same as El-ad's. I'm not accusing you of lifting it, it's just a fact. The program suite is the same except you swapped 1 Femme instead of 1 Mimic. That's fine, again I'm just pointing it out, and since he's been building this archetype for about three months, you should probably expect someone to point this out. You took out Ghost Runner (for whatever reason) and replaced it with Code Siphon and 2 Notoriety. Okay. Code Siphon, from my own testing, is decent in Nasir, but Notoriety is not unless you're playing against PE, I suppose (but you already have Deus X and Filter). You can play those cards, go for it. I'm just giving you my honest, experienced opinion about whether they're worth it. Then you took out one Plascrete and put in a Filter. Not sure what you're thinking there, since Nasir can be easily traced and Scorched. 2 Plascretes is a generous minimum for him. In my view, you've taken Solidarity and made it less consistent than it was before.

So, by making some of these confusing deckbuilding choices, you raise questions about your experience with the archetype, especially when you say things like this is the "first...REALLY stable" Nasir deck that you've played.

2) Personally, I'm not sure why you'd play Feedback Filter when you can't reliably use its net damage prevention AND when you already have Deus X (which you can SMC/Code Siphon for). It's personal preference, I suppose. But if it's just for the brain-damage reduction (for 1 card - Overwriter), it's probably not all that worth it.

3) D4v1d is awesome, and it helps a lot with Blue Sun. It serves as an alternate way to cheat Tollbooth, and saves you from Taurus. It also helps with IT Department. And you didn't "simply put it in there" because you had 4 influence - what a load of crap: it's in El-ad's deck, from which the majority of this was derived. If you don't want David, you could fit in 2 more Parasite or 2 Legwork (cutting the David and 1 card). It SOUNDS to me that there are more NBN decks in your meta, given your examples of Data Raven, Information Overload, and the rest. Even still, if that's the case, you're probably dealing with a lot of Tag-Storm and could use the other Plascrete. So the things you're mentioning and the build of the deck aren't quite squaring up.

4) I used to play a Nasir deck that relied only on Femme as a sentry breaker and it was okay ONLY BECAUSE I was using Parasite recursion and Wyrm as a way to deal with troublesome sentries (I could flash in a parasite reliably). I swapped in Mimic after taking it to a tournament and placing 4th. Still, in a meta with a lot of Architect, I don't think you can rely on just having Femme. Nasir is usually super poor (and you've taken out part of his emergency economy: Ghost Runner). From 1 and with Order of Sol out, you need to twice on Magnum Opus in order to break Architect, which is assuming you're not bypassing it. You might be, and that's ok.

5) Please don't insinuate that this reply has anything to do with fanboyism. I'm a Nasir player who has experience with him and is trying to make informed judgment calls based on that experience. I'm familiar with Solidarity and have played it a lot. I'm trying to pass on my experience. Re: this response. I have made several videos about playing him, and have written an article on building with him. So, I'm not trying to mislead you by implying things like "you need Mimic" and "Notoriety is bad with Nasir". But, you know, this is the internet, and you can take my advice or leave it. But I'd, personally, play Solidarity unmodified before making changes to it.

9 Jan 2015 aero
27 Jan 2015 Dydra

@CJFM okey, that is a proper response. I'll take it in mind, although I'm running this Nassir currently and it feels quite stable.