Citadel Security

Krams 949

This deck is mostly comprised of cards I haven't used yet, barely used or haven't used for a long time.
In other words, mostly academic reason here. But I thought I'd share anyways :)

The Price of Freedom to shut down Drug Dealer for endgame.

Datasucker, because all breakers boost for 2.

Credit Kiting for Amina, Femme Fatale and Security Nexus.

Rejig is mainly for Femme Fatale, but can also be used on a "lost" Boomerang.

Citadel Sanctuary against Credit Kiting, Rogue Trading and Security Nexus self-tagging.

17 Nov 2020 Diogene

I like the idea of Credit Kiting with Security Nexus and Femme Fatale. Smart!

17 Nov 2020 Krams

It's basically searching for a list of runner cards that cost at least 7 to install and adding them all to a deck.

And damn, that list used to be longer!
It's kinda strange to think that as soon as Credit Kiting was released Runner cards stopped being expensive enough to actually use it.

18 Nov 2020 Diogene

@Krams You idea with Credit Kiting has been tried with my Citadel Nexus deck. It work really well. Like you said, there is not many card that are super expensive, but Security Nexus and Engolo are pretty expensive, even with Az. The gain for Security Nexus is amazing. This is a gain of 8 creds! Even with Engolo, it is a gain of 5 cred. Sometime, early in the game, I will even use it for Security Nexus and then pay the tag. A gain of 6 cred is still impressive for just one card. Since I use Rogue Trading, it synergize really well.

I think Credit Kiting is worth it if you have installable cards with a price tag of 5 creds and more. Below that, it is about the price of a Sure Gamble, so not really worth the trouble. There are 36 cards with a cost of 5 and more. But Femme Fatale and Amina are stand-out. Using those, it is possible to have insane econ with super strong breaker, without even spending influence. Thinking about the possibilities makes me almost giggle.

You have found an old card that will give a lot of dividents. It also make Citadel Sanctuary even more valuable.

This make me think of shenanigan that could be done, if I use also Qianju PT with Adjusted Chronotype. Like gaining 12 creds in a single turn from Rogue Trading. Pushing the uses of Credit Kiting and Hot Pursuit.

This making my mind boil with new possibilities. Cheers!

19 Nov 2020 Pokerface

Yes, there was a discussion on the slimslack crim channel for a 419 deck with Quianju PT, Pancakes, Rogue Trading, Citadel Sanctuary and possibly Credit Kiting and Hot Pursuit.

It apparently performed well. It's called the Bike Shelter:

Certainly a fun basis to built upon!

19 Nov 2020 Krams

@Pokerface Interesting list, certainly! Didn't think of Hot Pursuit, might fit into this deck as well...

Currently I'm trying

+1 Kati Jones
+1 Isolation
+2 Labor Rights
−1 The Price of Freedom
−2 Flip Switch
−1 Harmony AR Therapy

because Flip Switch didn't do anything for me, Kati was doing awesome and 1 Harmony wasn't enough against grind decks that killed my 1-of breakers, so I wanted another copy, which meant I had to reshuffle influence costs.

19 Nov 2020 Pokerface

Totally in line with you! Kati helps a lot in logn matchups. To mitigate grind decks, and serve as a panic-button recursion, I like to include buffer drive - at one inf and for a hardware in Az, that might be worth it, but of course that's redundant with labor rights. You might want to try Aesop's too I think (another way to get rid of an embarassing drug dealer).

I would add a special order as well, maybe.

19 Nov 2020 Krams

@Pokerface thanks a lot for these suggestions.

Buffer Drive could really replace Harmony/Labor.

Aesop has the problem of lack of targets.
Especially when Lucky Charm and Flip Switch are ditched from the list, because they are bad cards :D

Thinking of replacing Tycoon, too... The 2 drip for the Corp adds up fast.

19 Nov 2020 Diogene

@Krams For draw, instead of Drug Dealer. You could add one Class Act and one Sport Hopper. I've realized that popping a sport hopper is pretty good value, with 3 cards for 2 creds (the equivalent of click 3x for drawing, I realize). In other ID, it is not so good, but for Az, it is good enough. And with a Class Act on the board, it is pretty good. Those are equivalent to Drug Dealer without the drawback for DD. The main advantage of DD is to be tutorable by Hostage. Getting a DD on turn 1 or 2 is huge, just like getting Kait on turn 1 or 2.

Otherwise, the cheapest draw would be Fisk. Earthrise Hotel is better, but at 4 creds, it need some support. If you go the Earthrise Hotel route, trading the Dirty Laundry for Career Fair might be worth it. I do note that it is the same gain between the two, so maybe not?

By the way, I really liked your review of Lucky Charm.


20 Nov 2020 Krams

Yeah, this was the deck I mainly tested Lucky Charm with, because I wanted some actual gameplay experience before releasing a review of a card.

And for the Drug Dealer thing... I actually like it to have both DD and Class Act out at the same time, because of the off-turn draw.
Whenever I get both out, I basically have all the cards I ever wanted.
Sadly, it really kills credit pool.
Fun fact: The main economy card I need early for credits is Citadel Sanctuary. Not even kidding. With all the self-tagging it is important to get rid of these tags cheap and fast. This was also the original thought behind Flip Switch.

Sports Hopper is great for draw in Az, as you mentioned, but I tend to keep at least one installed for Nexus traces.
Not that many link options in criminal, sadly. I wish there was one high influence blue connection resource with +1, just like there are Cybertrooper Talut and The Archivist.