Custom Netrunner Set: Fire and Fealty 🔥🙇

Santa 1868

Between August 2024 - Jan 2025, I spent approximately 150+ hours working on my own custom set Fire and Fealty! 🔥🙇

Fire and Fealty Preview

The set contains:
- 30 base cards, 1 bonus card, and 4 additional cards not available through deck-building.
- Each faction has a new ID (two of which are flippable) along with 3 other cards, plus 1 neutral card for each side.
- A card with the text “when you are flatlined”.
- 1 new Deep Net card.
- A new Political card.
- A new 3.0 card.
- Crim draw.
- A limit 6 per deck Console.
- One new AI Icebreaker.

The following Google Drive contains the most up to date Print and Plays! (Update: I've added an Artless Print and Play version to the Google Drive for anyone who wants it). Plus additional set info, including my AI Art Overview explaining my thoughts/reasoning at the time for using it. [I also talk more about it in the section "why the delay?" below]

Recommended Use:

This set is meant to be purely additive to NSG standard, in a format I've deemed "Standard+".

The intention is you can use this to mix up standard and enjoy some nice spice if the game is ever feeling stale/you're waiting for a set release. Love the game, and sometimes I just find myself looking for a little extra spice to mix things up :)

If you are interested in deckbuilding with this set and format, @TheRemix from Seattle put together a NRDB clone, which has the complete set of Fire and Fealty available and integrated into the site's "Standard" format! :)

    • Be respectful, there are no mods (neither of us are mods).
    • Password reset is not supported.
  • Bonus Note: The Stash mechanic is not implemented in deckbuilding.

If you want to hit the ground running with a spicy list, you can replace the cards in the list I've posted here as follows:
- Sable ->
Dave: Demolitions Expert/Dave: New Angeles Most Wanted Turtles
- Early Bird -> Gear Shift
Gear Shift
- Spy Camera -> Turtles

Thanks ECG, and others :)

I've been playing with these cards in Seattle since a little before worlds, and actually did a physical print run towards the end of December + hosted my first ever tournament, which was awesome!

Sharing this project with Seattle, has been absolutely wonderful, and I really appreciate all the help, encouragement, feedback, and excitement in playtesting these cards, spot checking wording, rules, and overall engagement within ECG and others! It's been a wonderful experience :)

Why the delay?

I originally planned to post this set to the broader community in December or January during the lull between worlds and Elevation’s release. However, I’ve been sitting on it, now complete for some time, debating the decision of sharing more broadly.

I think the set is really fun, and its practically all I've been playing with for netrunner since worlds. CBI being the lone exception for my regular standard play, which I definitely felt the rust for 😝

However, I've been sitting on it for the past while, as I've been feeling a little more leery on sharing it with the community due to the use of AI art. It's an area I know there are a lot of strong opinions around, for fair reason, and while I think my reasoning for using it in this case makes a lot of sense with it being a tool to add personal expression on top of creative card designs for a personal project without a commercial use or any intention for monetary gain [actually decent loss], where being able to make a card in its entirety really motivated and kept me excited about producing the set, and know this wouldn't have existed without it. I do understand others might feel differently.

This said, I've come around to sharing the set on a few points. Firstly, I think the set is awesome, and quite fun, with a lot of interesting design spaces as well. Because of this, I really would like to share it with the community, so others can enjoy it, and have fun thinking through and playing with the set in its entirety as I have. Also, rather than keeping this to myself, I am also curious what others from the community think about a project like this, and so long as they are constructive, I'm always curious to hear others' opinions on topics, like the usage of AI art in this case, or the project as a whole, so feel it's worth sharing for that reason too.


As mentioned before the set is meant to be purely additive to NSG Standard. In order to be impactful and get the most out of the limited set of cards, I've put the balance target towards the higher end, with a higher degree of complexity to spark deckbuilding while assuming folks approaching this to already have a baseline understanding of Standard. I've also included a doc detailing the Design Philosophy within the Google Drive.

To future proof, I've also decided to introduce a versioning system for the following reasons:

  • This is v0 of Fire and Fealty, and while this set has generally landed within the balance threshold I wanted when added to current NSG Standard, I don't expect NSG cards to necessarily continue to be balanced with this set, as Standard develops. So, if I'm feeling the game is getting a bit stale, etc and I want to come back to revisit this during certain periods, I might make an updated version of some cards with any necessary rebalanced numbers/erratas if they are no longer balanced within the Standard format. This would constitute a version bump for the set, and probably some release notes each time.

Rules FAQ

I've gotten a decent number of rules questions around the set. I was going to create an FAQ doc, and get it populated to the NRDB clone. However, because of delaying, and being unsure if I'd share/post, I've somewhat skipped out on that. If this gains traction/folks have questions I could definitely look at putting together some sort of more complete FAQ. Though, the intention is that the cards wording generally fit in and follow the NSG comprehensive rules.


I have a half-written doc on lore for the set and more in my head. Again, I was planning on releasing this with written lore attached, but kind of skimped off of doing that due to delaying and not being sure if I was actually going to share/post this. If folks are excited, and interested in the lore, I wouldn't be opposed to potentially sharing pieces, and/or completing it.  

Have fun!

Hope folks have a lot of fun with this! If you do have any feedback feel free to leave a comment and/or add it to the feedback form as well!
- Fire and Fealty Feedback

Also, if NSG likes any of these designs, I wave any rights to them :p Hope folks enjoy these cards and designs! Have fun with them! :)

18 Mar 2025 holzpubbnsubbe

I like this set a lot and there are some very fun ideas I would like to try or see others play with! I was thinking of a way to have shaper play two consoles as well, so cheers!

All thought-out creative interaction with Netrunner, that broadens our view of the design space should be welcomed and appreciated. Especially when it comes from an esteemed play, like yourself.

20 Mar 2025 Cosmic

Secret Passage Crim haha

20 Mar 2025 Santa

Update: I've added an Artless Print and Play version to the Google Drive for anyone who wants it.

20 Mar 2025 Santa

Thanks @holzpubbnsubbe, yea I'd excited what others might come up with too! I've really enjoyed playing with it :)

@Cosmic, might be able to guess one of the other card games I played in the past :p (there's a few historical refs sprinkled in the early stages of that game for me 👀). I've found the version in netrunner to be quite fascinating especially with damage, and kill decks.