Bad Pub is Good

Diogene 4318

Rig shooter. Lock out your opponents from running you servers. If they run early, punish them

Bad publicity

Pretty straightforward : publicity (bad) make you load of credits. With it, you can flatline them with Punitive Counterstrike or trash their programs with Trojan Horse.

Kabonesa Wu: Netspace Thrillseeker and Anarch in general are quite vulnerable here. With Ark Lockdown, you can take out their breakers easily. Aim first for sentry breaker (killer) and then for barrier breaker (fracter). Without sentry breakers, it will hurt to try passing any ice, since Trebuchet does a lot and Archer can give you a real bad day.

By that time, having 6 bad pub will do absolutely nothing for the runner. Of note, with a lot of bad pub and an empty board, the runner can pass Trebuchet and steal cards pretty easily.

Engram Flush and Slot Machine are just insane ices for the cost (in credits or influence). They will tax the runner quite a bit, even if they will not stop the runner much. If you are not against Criminal, I suggest you aim for programs with Engram Flush, instead of the the usual events aim. This will enhance your rig shooting.

Agendas either gives you money (free ice rez is money) or help you plan by trashing the rig.

Option : you can swap out Trebuchet for Bulwark. In which case, you should aim to get rid of barrier breakers (fracters) first. I chose Trebuchet because it was cheaper and would let me rez it early.


26 Apr 2021 boreira

lovely deck