The Average RP (SSCI Top 16)

DrunkenGineer 855

There were 6 RP decks in the Top 16 at the Stimhack Store Champs Invitational. This deck was created by counting all the instances of cards used by those six decks and averaging them out. Due to the variability of influence splashes, this resulted in a deck with fewer than 49 cards. As a rule of thumb, I only included a card in the deck if three or more of the six players used it.

The end result looks like a standard core of RP decks, with four open flex slots for influence splashes. Possible splashes included a second Daily Business Show, a third Eli 1.0, a Tollbooth, an Ash 2X3ZB9CY, and a second Wraparound.


  • A full set of Restructure and Architect was used by one player, a full set of Chimera by another, and a full set of the Grail ice was used by a third. Each was the only player to use their respective cards, so those cards were not included.
  • Four out of six players ran 2 Daily Business Show, but the other two had none. This averaged to 1 DBS.
  • Three players used at least 2 Tsurugi, while the other three had none. This averaged to 1 Tsurugi.

Other Average Decks

I compiled The Average Kate from the SSCI as well. I think I'll do Average HB too.