The fact, that this card is not on the MWL (currently NISEI 3.3) says a lot more about the meta than i would like. It's not enough to print good ice for the corp, because the runner economy is off the charts.
The effect is obviously incredibly strong and a lot easier to set up than Nisei MK2 or Bio vault. You can also just wait till the runner breaks all the other ICE in this server and then trigger the effect. Most decks that want to win by scoring at least consider including this piece of ICE. And thats fine, sure. There are lots of powerful cards that see extensive play in other archetypes (Looking at you HHN!).
My problem is, that the resulting gameplay can be quite frustrating for the runner. Not many reviews include a perspective on the fun that cards lend to the game or in this case (in my opinion at least) take away from the game. And I'm willing to conceit, that there are very similar cards that have similar effects, the ones mentioned above, ash and batty, etc., but for some reasons these don't annoy me as much. I think it comes down to psychological reasons. I ALREADY BROKE THE ICE! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME GO BACK!
Bottom line: Put this bad boy on the restricted list already and leave it out of your kitchen table meta. Thank you for coming to my talk.