The Harishcha Butcher!

SamG 7

Playing the Butcher shop thing out of the new ID, working okay.

9 Jul 2016 moistloaf

i dont think its butchershop without Midseason Replacements ... this is more like sync style attrition. i think midseasons (/en/card/02116) is better with this ID though

9 Jul 2016 mawa

Ehh, I don't think it needs Midseasons to be a shop. There's some precedence for it to be called a shop without it. The crucial part here is the use of breaking news and 24/7 News Cycle. Is there any value in running an operation economy piece instead of the Pads, since you don't get the free draw off of it? How about Shipment from Sansan - I notice you don't have any cyberdex's and I think that's a mistake, but shipment allows you slip in a breaking news past a clone chip as long as they don't respond on an install.

9 Jul 2016 Deadboy13

I'd drop the SanSan City Grid. This is similar to glass shop. If you want butcher shop, you just go for the kill. Dropping the SanSan City Grid, you could grad a cyber and a snare. You'd have one spare influence, but a good snare for this deck means you don't have to force the tag they do it themselves and get hurt at the same time.

10 Jul 2016 SamG

@RubbishyUsername I like having the pad for a few reasons: it's something the runner needs to check and trash, but it seems only wizzard seems to do. From that it gives you a read on what kind of runner you are against. Can you sneak out a Astro. @Deadboy13 I like the 3rd San San, it can help you score, your first Astro or get the kill with Astro counter and Breaking News. Plus it's another thing the runner has to trash.