My Newbie Criminal Deck

yokhen 37

Deck made to access central servers and specially HQ very often.

22 Jul 2014 wswan


22 Jul 2014 x3r0h0ur

I would cut 33 cards and check back.

22 Jul 2014 Sathoon

Bit of clarification regarding the other comments...

Supposedly the 'sweet spot' is 49 cards for an optimal draw. You can legitimately have 100+ cards in your deck, but the larger the deck is, the less chance you have of the cards you want/need appearing. It can get very hard to get economy cards to show up when you need them most.

22 Jul 2014 Brislock

I would agree with @Sathoon except to say that 49 is the sweet spot for Corps because it gives the lowest number of Agenda Points per card draw. For Runners lower is almost always better and one of the strengths of Sil here is her lower limit of 40 (This is also why identities have LOWER limits only).

Hope this helps. It's a tough game to wrap your head around coming in, so feel free to ask lots of questions.

22 Jul 2014 milieu

What @x3r0h0ur and @Sathoon are trying to say is that deck size minimums are very commonly the most limiting factor of quality in games in which you can build your own decks.

If you're looking to play a deck that you think is fun, and you think is fun, feel free to disregard anything I'm about to say. But I'll try and give some constructive criticism.

Concerning deck size: if there is a very strong card, you want to find it, right? If there is a card that wins you the game, you want to draw that card. If you have 3 of a card in your deck, then you have tripled your chances of drawing that card; however, 1 in 73 is not so different percentage-wise from 3 in 73. But if it were 3 in 40, that is a massive increase in the probability of drawing that card! By limiting yourself to as near the minimum as possible, you increase the odds of drawing any of the most powerful cards in your deck, which are hopefully the ones you leave in, by nearly double!

Concering particular cards and card types...

Hardware in this game is often weak save for very particular cards (Desperado and R&D Interface are good counterexamples). Ten slots in an Event-based deck seems excessive.

Silhouette's passive is pretty nice against decks like Jinteki horizontal (Personal Evolution, for example), but you probably don't want to focus so hard on running HQ. If the runner deck focuses on only running one server, then they will be shut out of the game with just one or two early ICE getting placed there.

I don't think your splash choices make too much sense. Ice Carver isn't a bad effect, but I don't think it's worth the 3 influence points. Similarly, Liberated Account isn't a bad card, but you can get comparable economy elsewhere (seriously consider Desperado!), and likely without splashing so much. That might free up some points to go into stronger Icebreakers like Corroder and Knight.

Cards like Satellite Uplink and Lemuria Codecracker I think are probably overkill for your deck. I think I see why you included them -- something like, "My deck exposes things that are hidden! I should put cards in like that, that accentuate that theme." But the point of your identity is to take care of that for you. You don't need cards with that effect in your deck because simply running will do it for you. You might think, "But then I don't expose enough cards," but honestly, how many unrezzed cards are on the table at once? How many of them haven't you gotten a chance to scout out by the time you play a card like this? I think your passive either makes them bunker down HQ or exposes most of the field very effectively.

IMO, Account Siphon is one of the strongest Event cards in the game, if not the strongest. Run 3, especially since it's in-theme and in-color.

Anyways, give it some thought. Feel free to disagree with my advice; I'm no pro at this game, and though I have played an awful lot of games like this, I don't know everything by any means.

22 Jul 2014 yokhen

Thank you for the comments, they have helped tons, and the new deck has about 56 cards now :D (I will maybe take out a few more out later)

@milieu for a third Account Siphon I would need another core set because as far as the card says, only two come in the set :/ Also Desperado is quite expensive to install/use, can you "sell it" more to me so that maybe I can see why and for which card should I exchange it?

22 Jul 2014 Sathoon

@yokhen 3 credits is extremely cheap, and it pays it's dividends back with each run (which you intend to do frequently on HQ/archives). This gives you a bit more efficiency with regards to ice breakers in later turns.

Also I'd strongly consider finding a way to fit Sneakdoor Beta in. It's got a LOT of impact for it's cost and is same colour. It takes time for a corp player to get all their ice up across 3 centrals plus remotes and gives you a bit more control of their economy. Only downside to sneakdoor is it can't be combined with account siphon, but that'd be broken and no one would play againsat it :P

22 Jul 2014 daytodave

The best thing about Silhouette is her 40 minimum. Being able to cut your deck from 45 cards to 40 is so good some people would play her even without the expose ability. The best thing you can do for this deck is take 33 cards out of it.

After that, start thinking about what you want the deck to do. What moments in the game are the most fun for you? Do you like forcing the corp to lose credits and then running over unrezzed ice? Running every click and forcing the corp to make hard decisions? Trashing everything in sight? Once we know how you like to play we can give advice on how to get your deck there.

22 Jul 2014 yokhen

@daytodave I see. Thank you. I guess I will have to experiment first before modifying it.

Also, I acquired Mala Tempora today and was wondering if I should take any of the icebreakers out in exchange for the Knight or somehow add the Knight to existing list of Icebreakers?