Sideways Space Stock - Nationals Version

CodGod 12

My Corp deck for NZ Nationals. Won one game, bringing me to 18th place (out of 21), with the aid of a bye in the second round. I can console myself that the one opponent it beat went on to win the tournament (and was a great guy to play against - thanks for the games, Robin!).

The deck aims to go sideways, icing centrals and only important remotes for the early game, building up to a scoring remote if the game goes long. Agendas are generally unprotected and then scored out in one turn with the aid of Jeeves. Hostile Takeover is for scoring the last point, and can be tutored for by Project Atlas.

The key to the deck is Indian Union Stock Exchange, because the best way to play Weyland is to run as few actual Weyland cards as possible. They're the main thing I look for with Tech Startup, with the exception of some matchup-specific stuff. like Executive Boot Camp against Blackmail or False Echo/DDoS decks to get ice rezzed). Most assets are left face down until needed, and once all three IUSE hit the board, rezzing assets is also a way to gain money the runner didn't expect you to have - I've had games where rezzing Mumba Temple, and using that to rez a couple of Team Sponsorship got me the money to pay for Tollboth or Assassin when the runner thought I was poor.

A protected Sandburg can keep the runner out for a turn in the late stages of the game, but is mostly there as a way to prevent Tour Guides dying immediately to Parasites, so they can at least keep the runner out for a turn or two.

Added Lag Time before the tournament because with Blood Money out I wanted at least one copy of a current so I had some way to counter Rumor Mill, but no-one seemed to run it on the day.

Award for most over-involved combo goes to spending a Mumba Temple credit to rez Chimera at the start of my own turn with Executive Boot Camp to get money from Indian Union Stock Exchanges. Not something I explicitly aimed for, but if I happen to have all those out, 3 credits a turn is 3 credits a turn.

11 Sep 2016 analyzechris

Indian Stock Exchange feels even more powerful than Turtlebacks here. Love it!