Look Ma, No Hand!

netdeckdane 206

Attempt at a CD deck. Might replace the valley grids with snares. Also might rejigger some of the ice (Fenris/Gryi/Viktor/Inazuma).

29 Jun 2015 dasher

How do you find the econ in this deck? My version of this ID has more econ, but I can never seem to get it out, so I am always poor. As a result I am finding it a tough deck to play.

29 Jun 2015 netdeckdane

10 cards dedicated to econ is not that shabby, but I do like lots of money in my decks like you. There's just not alot of room for both money and tricks.

Cheap ice is one solution. The Heimdall doesn't belong and needs to come out. The valley grids might end up just becoming neural EMPs, which would then allow me to use less ice.

I agree with you. It's difficult to make a competitive CD deck.

30 Jun 2015 dasher

In a deck where econ is at a premium, I find conditional econ cards like Peak Efficiency and Successful Demonstration to be unreliable. This is especially the case with Peak Efficiency, its usefulness is further diminished as you are not really gaining creds, just being refunded some of the creds that you paid to rez the ICE so you could use the PE.

I am thinking of running a couple of Targeted Marketings as it is only 1 influence and it can pull double duty if you name a critical card in their deck... do they really want to give you 10 creds just so they can play that card?

I actually think that 1x Heimdall 1.0 is not a bad idea when you are running Project Wotan, so you can potentially get some use out of its ability.

30 Jun 2015 netdeckdane

Influence is extremely tight. If I had INF to spare I'd be running Edge of the World/Neural Emps/Snares/Punitive Counterstrike. I think using it on econ when there are still other choices is not a good idea. You are correct -- the demonstrations are on the chopping block -- Maybe either Melange or Restructures. But yeah, those demonstrations are likely never to fire in a kill deck where runnings are likely to wait around until they get a sentry breaker.

Peak Efficiency is a strong card. This deck has a large number of ice. If the plan is to use Valley Grid, I'm going to want to be rezzing that ice. It is rare that a game ends without a corp rezzing at least 5 ice, no? At which point, PE is a better Hedge Fund (lower cost to play). Anything after 5 ice, and it's a better restructure. I haven't really played this deck yet, so maybe they won't work, but in EtF I routinely net 6-8 credits on each PE that I play. So they are worth at least trying out.

Now if I ditch the valley grid idea, the PE (and a couple ice) will definitely be going =)

30 Jun 2015 netdeckdane

It crushes my soul to do this, but I think removing Hiro and his 2 self destructs, in exchange for 2 Punitives, is the way to go.

1 Jul 2015 dasher

you make a good point with the Peak Efficiency and Valley Grid synergy.

I am running Edge of World at the moment, but will most likely change to Valley Grid sometime in the future, so the combo will be worth a try.

For me Punitive Counterstrike has not been successful in my deck as I have rarely had enough creds for it to fire. Hence me trying the Edge of World tactic.