Ctrl + Alt + Del v2 - Mr. Batty's Touch

vvribeiro 816

"They who own the media, own your desires. They who own your desires, own your soul."

It took an year. Started with some scarce news about cloning passwords, cloning medical information, cloning net subscriptions. No one gave a damn.

Then the pads started to burn. The screens were flickering, the implants were itching. Someone told you a friend they know have a friend who got his thoughts stolen by some weird clone chips that were supposedly into some new devices. Companies were suddenly issuing reports explaining their products didn't have and never ever had any cloning device. It was just a rumor. Right? No one was sure, but the Feds started to bust some factories, arrested some unlucky bastards and in what seemed like a week, it became so hard to manufacture or buy a clone chip, most people just gave up the idea.

They did it. Public opinion was remodeled once again. That's how they conquer, that's how they succeed. One villain a time.


My first versions of the deck became illegal so I changed from New Angeles Sol: Your News to Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center. Added Marcus Batty and more ETR ice along with some destroyers. Interns is the only recursion besides Jesus. To be honest, I haven't even used many times. If I fire the sysops 3 times is practically game. And that's basically what happens.