Hokusai Hanzō Jank

sondayn 38

Just a fun almost-ice-free deck I made in competition with a friend to try to set up a winning combo with upgrades.

Step 1: Jackson/Reuse your way to a high trash cost and $$$, throwing traps into Archives (maybe an agenda or two to pull back later). Step 2: Set up high-trash-cost Hokusai Grid and Tori Hanzō on R&D, preferably with some Defective Brainchips in play as well. Step 3: Get a scoring server with high-trash-cost Caprice and Ash in it. Remember you can wait to rez Ash until after you know Caprice has failed. Step 4: Score agendas or brain the Runner to death.

PADs and Diagnostics for win-win econ that's annoying to trash or let sit, Crick and Interns in case the Runner kills off a piece of your setup, Cyberdex for Imp - just install in somewhere and trash when needed

Maybe a building block towards something that works? I dunno. Throw comments at me. :) <3

8 Sep 2015 Claytron

Remember Caprice needs ice in front of her to work. Although... I do like this idea of Brainchips + Hanzo...

8 Sep 2015 sondayn

@kevo Thanks, I'm glad you like it! Caprice's psi game fires regardless of ice's presence, assuming she is rezzed pre-run (http://ancur.wikia.com/wiki/Caprice_Nisei)

8 Sep 2015 Claytron

Hunh, cool though. Learn something new every day!

8 Sep 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Account Siphon and Keyhole hurt you pretty bad and a fairly common. Maybe drop an Ash and an Interns for 2x Crisium Grid? That trash cost about makes it permanent.

8 Sep 2015 herod1204

Run sealed vault. Don't run Crisium Grid. Run Sealed Vault.

It honestly is an MVP in cambridge PE-esque decks.

The enhanced trash cost of that in IG makes it eternal.

8 Sep 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Sealed Vault, god I had totally forgotten. You are absolutely right. Still doesn't help against Keyhole though.

8 Sep 2015 herod1204

To be frank, if they get keyhole out, just give up whilst you are ahead. It's good game really. Unless you lob in something like power shutdown, but then you are teching so heavily against specific cards.

8 Sep 2015 miaxari

Don't run Sealed Vault. It's just not as versatile as Crisium Grid which is all-round better at dealing with pesky runner tricks.

9 Sep 2015 CommissarFeesh

If they're keyholing R&D, then you still slap them with Hokusai/Tori every turn. Even better they can't access either card to trash them if they're using Keyhole.

9 Sep 2015 FarCryFromHuman

@CommissarFeesh But... there's no ICE to stop them just running to trash both upgrades. I like Hokusai Hanzō but it feels too vulnerable without ICE.