Whizzard Staxx

gromgrom 2

Genetics based synergy deck.

It's a little slow to start, but the idea is to make the corp's start as slow as yours. Early Hacktivist Meeting and Donut Taganes tend to put a damper on their early Operation and Asset economies.

Vigil "punishes" the corporation for keeping their max hand size. This is great early, and if they want to avoid giving you cards, that just makes Nerve Agent more potent. Drawing cards is basically all you do with this deck, while you wait to assemble your incredible clickless economy engine.

Making multiple runs a turn is very feasible between a few Hard at Work and Kati Jones

I am looking for suggestions along the lines of this particular "corp hate" build. I do hate that I'm only running 1 Clone Chip but that's the nature of finding Donut early, which could also go 3 Hostage 1 Donut. If you remove the silly combos in the deck and add those clone chips and some Net-Ready Eyes, it becomes the top placing Whizzard decks published here.

18 Jun 2015 gromgrom

Plascrete Carapace x2 have been added and a single Datasucker was removed