Uncanny Valley

CrushU 193

So, let's see how Valley Grid works with Cybernetics Division: Humanity Upgraded... Oh, and I hear small hand sizes really like Scorched Earth...

I should be taking it to test tonight... Looking for any opinions before then, though. My biggest worry is that I won't be able to do anything with the Gutenberg tags, or that Scorched Earth will smoulder in my hand for too long.

The other concept I'm testing here is Tech Startup being an Asset Tutor... Interestingly, it can also bait runs.

Win Condition: I'm 100% trying to kill the Runner. I can maybe win through agenda points if I get extremely lucky? 3 scores will win the game on either side (unless two of those are Self-Destruct Chips).

Lab Dog: Woof!

26 Jun 2015 sruman

With 5 3-pters and no reliable way to get a tag, why not punitive counter-strike over scorched? 3 punitives and an archived memories would seem to be a natural fit.

26 Jun 2015 CrushU

@sruman I think that might work better... The goal was to force them to respect tags, and also occasionally kill careless runners through Scorched Earth.

So after testing a game, I have the following insights: Lab Dog is not that good because it's Runner choice... Janus 1.0 is amazing. Tech Startup actually works surprisingly well as Asset tutor. It's hard to get Ryon Knight to actually hit anyone... Even with Asset tutoring, you still need three Jackson Howard. For Valley Grid, all the ICE needs to have ETR or Brain Damage subs. They can let Gutenberg fire and then beat the trace, for instance.

Stay tuned for an updated version!

29 Jun 2015 dasher

How do you find the econ in this deck? My version of this ID has more econ, but I can never seem to get it out, so I am always poor. As a result I am finding it a tough deck to play.

29 Jun 2015 CrushU

@dasher Definitely true. It's the problem I'm struggling with the most. The most recent iteration of the deck has dropped the Green Level for Hedge Fund in an attempt to try and get MORE MONEY. I'd put in Pop-up Window if it didn't anti-synergize with Valley Grid.

Right now, Eliza's Toybox is doing some of the economy heavy lifting. One change I could make would be to run Melange Mining Corp. instead of Toybox...?