Professor of Good Stuff

gumonshoe 2987

This is a decent professor deck. I haven't tuned it yet for competitive play at the highest of levels, but the frame is pretty solid and if you count the influence, we're well into Professor Only territory.

The hardest part of building a Professor deck is getting the economy right. The second hardest thing is knowing what you actually need and/or want in the deck as far as programs go. Its extremely easy to just shoot yourself in the foot in either of these steps and often tripping up on one ruins the other.

So, I thought to myself when building this one: "Its the economy, stupid". And any time I was going to make a move in deck building that compromised the economy of the deck I stopped myself.

The deck plays the good-stuff anarch breaker suite that has dominated the good decks of nearly every age in this game. Mimic, yog, corroder. It does not need to compromise and it brings in atman & d4v1d too. Since it is shaper, we have SMC & clone chip to make sure 1 ofs are enough. This is how we're going to get in, with a regex breaker suite.

Economy is just about as simple. Proco+almost every economy option available. Our economy is pretty diversified, mostly because it has to be. Laundry/gamble provide a little bit of burst & pawnshop supports it. We can only play 1x cache & 1x harbinger, but that's fine since we can eat imp/d4v1d and other programs as we need to. Sahasrara & Multithreader are find aesops targets after your economy stabilizes and you need another slot in your rig. And clone chip can recur either cache or harbinger as necessary.

Mostly though, our rig only needs money when its installing things. Yog is free to use, d4v1d is free to use. Corroder is the most expensive piece of the puzzle and atman/net-ready provide a discount there.

Daily Casts & Technical writer smooth out different parts of the game's economy. Daily casts is typically most useful early/mid game making sure you can keep installing the bits you need. TW lets you recoup install costs late game to sustain pressure and if you have to, aesops can eat it.

The deck runs smoothly for a professor deck. It doesn't have a lot of the problems I usually experience with being broke, and proco is superior to opus when you want an influx of new stuff to install.

Professor still might not be "there," but this deck gives me hope that he's getting closer. Another shaper econ option or a good neutral one that fits with his type of play and we could very easily see Professor on the competitive field.

31 Dec 2015 checkthebox

Now this, I like.

I also think there could be some really solid cards in the Mumbad cycle to support this build. Mongoose could be a solid one-of choice as an additional killer.

Perhaps even more impactful, would be Brahman, where you could 'send back' a used up Imp or D4v1d to your hand and then reinstall for cheap using Sahasrara. Obviously, Cerberus "Lady" H1 could be another target for these sort of shenanigans, if you included it.

31 Dec 2015 bubbathegoat

If Corroder is the most expensive icebreaker to use, and you have lots of credits to spend installing, then you could always use Morning Star!

31 Dec 2015 gumonshoe

Good news, this deck is unaffected by the tournament rule changes and is still completely legal. Without yellow in the picture, it may in fact be tier 1. LOL

31 Dec 2015 Tarock

@gumonshoe don't forget clone chip.

31 Dec 2015 Grimwalker

FAQ? What FAQ?

31 Dec 2015 gumonshoe

Clone Chip is fine, it doesn't reduce prof's influence.

31 Dec 2015 gumonshoe

@Grimwalker sorry to ruin your day; go to FFG now

31 Dec 2015 TKO

just read the faq. that's freaking awesome. how could it ruin anyone's day? I might actually start playing again. hopefully this has enough of an impact to shake up the meta. 4 years of Astro script and Kate got old fast.

31 Dec 2015 Grimwalker

I was kidding, I actually am thrilled with the FAQ and how the Prof gives zero fucks.

31 Dec 2015 Dothanite

Looks like this deck is


( •_•)>⌐■-■


Future Proof.

31 Dec 2015 Phoenix

The only card I think would be really good to get in would be a Faerie, as it allows you to be aggressive early.

Otherwise, love the premise.

31 Dec 2015 gumonshoe

@Phoenix faerie's cool, but so is sneakdoor. Its part of the: make a decision conundrum. You start pulling those cards in and you mess with the slots that win you games unfortunately.

1 Jan 2016 IonFox

@gumonshoe Why not spend the holy pip of influence on Rebirth when it comes out? Also, ahem. ALL HAIL THE PROFESSOR, OUR OVERLORD OF SHAPER BULLSHIT.

1 Jan 2016 LeaPlath

May I suggest you make a "in x match up get X" for professor?

3 Jan 2016 yeoda

wait. Can you explain to me how the Clone Chip thing works?

7 Jan 2016 norwegiangeek

@yeoda The rules for MWL state that the runner cannot go below 1 influence. Damon clarrified that this meant that no matter how many cards from the MWL you include and how "negative" it would make the runner, the runner has a base of 1 influence that they can't go below. So You can include the CC and the Yog and even though that should make you go negative you hit the floor of 1 influence so to speak.

7 Jan 2016 norwegiangeek

I actually managed to win the January GNK at FFG piloting an incredibly close version of this deck.

Thanks @gumonshoe

11 Jan 2016 Myriad

I think professor is actually at the point where he is pretty good these days. I wouldn't be surprised to see him at some Store Champs this tournament season.