Shady Accounting (rough draft version)

Navelgazer 324

Straightforward, and probably not a super-novel idea, but whatever, I made it myself.

Really built around the agendas, and using everything around it to make Government Takeover viable as the major win condition. Glenn Station protects it until you can use it, Project Atlas helps you find it, Veterans Program to deal with the bad pub you're probably going to be building up a little bit of. Biotic Labor to help rush Gov't Takeover once you're at that point. Blue Sun to help reshuffle your ice into an impossible wall once you're ready.

ICE broken into (relatively) cheap and expensive for each subtype, with Orion and Nebula there for the phantom economy, and the very real economy they can provide Blue Sun later. Scorched to provide insurance in case the runner goes super-YOLO trying to hit your Gov't Takeover before you've protected it.

Everything here is pretty obvious, really.

I'll get to test it out a bit later this week, but as always, I'm looking for the things I haven't thought of. Helpful suggestions very, very welcome. Thanks!

2 Mar 2015 aero

Not sure Government Takeover can really work in any deck without the rest of the agendas being 3-pointers. It will still take a bit to set up in order to score a Glenn Station. IF Government Takeover gets stolen early game, you've got eight other cards that will give the runner the game, not just five. Just my thoughts.

2 Mar 2015 Navelgazer

I appreciate it! I think my mental calculus here was mostly that I could ICE up R7D most strongly, use Blue Sun to move the best ICE on R&D over to HQ in case I draw it and am unprepared, and chalk up any early-game runner steals to simply bad luck. If you're talking about 3-point agendas, though, which ones would you suggest for support here?

2 Mar 2015 aero

Seems good. Maybe it's typical, but both Utopia Fragment and Eden Fragment seem like good fits. If you can manage to score Utopia and then put Government Takeover behind some ice and start advancing it, it will quickly become pretty darn expensive to steal. I also personally like The Cleaners, as it makes Scorched Earth damage that much worse. That would be my choices, two fragments, cleaners and GT.

2 Mar 2015 aero

Oh! I forgot about Checkpoint. I've tried it a bit, it's nice as far as the strength goes, but doesn't seem to be much of a game changer because the runner can just choose to jack out.

2 Mar 2015 Navelgazer

Thanks! I'm going to try it out with the current agendas and switch to your plan if I'm getting rolled as it is.

Looking at it now, I should definitely go down to a single Curtain Wall and use Project Atlas to tutor for it if I don't have it when I need it. More than that is overkill even Weyland won't be able to afford, and Blue Sun moves it where it needs to go. Maybe drop a PAD Campaign and add in 3 Ice Walls or something. Not sure yet.

2 Mar 2015 Navelgazer

And I'll need to see about your consideration of Checkpoint as well. I generally don't love situations where the Runner gets to choose their fate, and I hadn't thought of that here, but on the other hand, this one seems pretty win-win (It'll be going on central servers, be the one that I never move, and either protect my agendas through jacking out, or else set up my Scorch pretty nicely. I might be thinking best-case-scenario here, though.)

2 Mar 2015 GammaCodeX

i would never consider going down on the curtain walls in blue sun, but then again i would never play blue sun without OAI, so maybe im just dogamtic. I don't have a problem with having Gov.Take in a deck that doesnt want the runner to score it though, it increases variance sure, but letting the runner access N different cards still gives on average N*[decksize]/[PointsInDeck] points, and the average number of points needed to win for the runner might even go up cause of the variance involved. Losing the Gov.Take is rough sure, but so is losing 2 3ptrs