Shady Accounting (revised version 1.1)

Navelgazer 324

ratamacube and GammaCodeX gave me some solid suggestions on the first version of this. I've incorporated some of them (losing Checkpoint, for instance, including Oversight AI, which was a major, major, well... oversight of the first version.) Supermodernism inspired me to pull in the Enigmas and Archers, though I'm unsure whether I like Archer here or not yet. Went back and forth on Jackson Howard but in the end determined I needed Archives tutoring, particularly for operations (particularly for Oversight AI) and so it's there, though I don't love the idea of keeping a remote open for it.

And The Board. For reasons which should be obvious in this deck.

4 Mar 2015 Navelgazer

And I already noticed a problem with it, grrr... (No reason for Scorched if I don't include any tagging.)

4 Mar 2015 Navelgazer

Yeah, gonna swap out nebula for shadow and veteran's program for posted bounty. (Unless anyone has any better suggestions.)

4 Mar 2015 drmastodon

I'd swap Veterans Program for Posted Bounty to give you tagging for Scorched Earth. Maybe also add a Shadow for econ & tagging purposes.

I'm also a fan of Self-destruct + any top level exec, but if the runner is trashing The Board then they're likely doing it less as an opportunistic 2 AP vs. getting back the points they've already scored, so it has a little less benefit.

4 Mar 2015 Navelgazer

There's also the possibility of tossing out Scorched for Punitive Counterstrike. Hmmm... I'm really pondering my decisions here now.

11 Mar 2015 Oisin

If you are going to play space ice, then I would go with Trick of Light over Biotic Labor. This allows you to score poor, and can set up a nice economic swing once you take the counters off the space ice. Most people play fast advance style out of Titan Transnational: Investing In Your Future, since once you score the first Project Atlas you are very difficult to beat.

Why are you playing x3 Scorched Earth? As constituted, you don't have a way of tagging the runner. If you want to play Scorched, then you at least want to include any combo of 2 Snare!, Data Raven, or SEA Source.

Since you have removed the bad pub cards, you don't need Veterans Program, unless you play against a lot of Valencia. I would go with 2 Posted Bounty (if you want to play Scorched, these can be a nice surprise tag), 2 Hostile Takeover (often the economic boost is worth one bad pub), 2 Gila Hands Arcology (but you probably don't need more econ), or one NAPD Contract.

I think you could try to play a FA/Kill deck hybrid here--but I would try to pull it off with space ice and Trick of Light. -3 Biotic and -1 Jackson gives you the influence for +3 Trick of Light and +2 Sea Source. -2 Archer for +1 Ice Wall and +1 Shadow (two more advanceable ice that you can rez in the early game; Shadow can land a tag and gets out of hand). You've got the Oversight/Curtain Wall or Orion for a huge credit swing (which you will need to land the SEA Source trace). Finally, -2 Veterans Program and +2 Posted Bounty provide another way to flatline the runner (I will often install-advance-advance a Posted Bounty to bluff a Cleaners).

11 Mar 2015 Navelgazer

Thanks! Yeah, I saw the problem with Scorched after doing this revision (I still would want at least one to keep Account Siphoners honest, but maybe just going a different direction with that is better...)