Core Criminal (Newbie Starter Deck)

Teemo 11

Simple core Criminal deck, aimed at some early aggro play. The point is to teach some friends the base game, and playstyles, using what everyone has access to.

Current concerns: While it anihilates slow corp decks, it's a bit weak against glacier decks. The focus is amassing silly amounts of money, starving the corp, and keep that pressure while you hound them, but once they lock up the archive, R&D and HQ, it slows down considerably.

Wyldside is in there to help build some momentum if you're not drawing those Sure Gamble's, Easy Mark's or Bank Job's.

Mulligan if you don't draw either: Easy Mark, Sure Gamble, Sneakdoor Beta or Account Siphon.

You need that early money to push through ice. As is the case with aggro, you win fast, or lose fast.

Comments are welcome.

31 Mar 2017 chinpanze

What about Corroder instead of one of the aurora?

31 Mar 2017 Feed

Running two Consoles doesn't really make sense- especially Grimoire, seeing as you're not running any viruses. That influence should definitely be used for Corroder.

31 Mar 2017 MrAaronSA

I will third the Corroder. As far as draw, I think using 2 Diesel is probably better for teaching, and is likely more consistent anyway.

31 Mar 2017 chinpanze

I think that if you really want to play 2 consoles, The Toolbox would be a better option.

Also, with 2 Special Order do you really need 10 icebreakers? I would take out one Ninja at least.