Mama Yaga

ransomman 321

This is a slightly better version of my previous Smoke Baba Yaga deck.

I've seen some people importing Switchblades into their shaper Yaga decks. Sometimes the answer to your deck building problem is already in faction: Enter the Dagger. Rhymes with swagger. Gives Baba +5 strength. Throw in a lil Sharpshooter to buff that up with +2 strength for 1 credit. Save your influence for Yog and Faerie. They break for 0, which is nice. Then throw in an Inti: breaks for 1 (Breach or Morning Star woulda been cool but influence is tight and those are expensive).

Net Mercur and Mirror help to fuel a Smokey cycle of stealth credits! Once you have everything up n running, its a very tight system, but one that works smoothly.

Sacrificial Construct is in here because if you lose Baba Yaga with everything on it... you're screwed.

I included Test Run/Scavenge not so much for the classic combo but for A.) the ability to recur at least a trashed Yog with Test Run (maybe you lost it due to damage), B.) the ability to (expensively) tutor that Yaga that you could not find, or that last breaker, even though there are two copies and 3 SMCs (its gonna happen occasionally), and C.) to have a method of applying early game pressure if you happen to see other breakers before Yaga- you can install them in the short term and them Scavenge them onto Yaga later!

The negatives are setup time and the inability to deal with Turing on a remote, but honestly, I've been seeing that card less and less (still a bit sad when you see it). So Escher helps to ease that pain a bit!


14 Dec 2016 CodeMarvelous

So this deck doesn't have Baba Yaga in it.

14 Dec 2016 salkidu

Change 1 dagger for Houdini and enjoy turing and whole run +4 str

14 Dec 2016 saracenus

Point of failure... Best Defense plus Ark Lockdown equals lots of crying. Inti is way to vulnerable.

14 Dec 2016 ransomman

@CodeMarvelous You scared me! I thought I didn't add it, but it's there... unless you're saying it functionally doesn't need Baba?

@salkidu That's a fair suggestion that I hadn't thought of! Although, I'd almost rather add an extra Escher instead of a Scavenge. Simple because its a tad more versatile if I'm comparing it versus Houdini as an answer to Turing.

@saracenus very good point. Maybe Blackstone could work? I don't imagine using the +4 boost very often, but its the only other Shaper fracter thats a 1 for 1 break sub ability. The only other option is to ditch a Temüjin Contract for a Breach? But 3 Temüjin Contract is so valuable. Any suggestions?

14 Dec 2016 ransomman

You know... maybe -1 Temujin, -1 Inti, +1 Breach, +1 (something else) isn't a bad plan after all...

14 Dec 2016 ransomman

aaaand if you have breach you might as well drop sharpshooter for a Houdini (to deal with Turing and have +4 stength through all ice for the run, like you said @salkidu)