The slowest Fast Advance

Bakashinobi 224

Do you think fast advance games go too fast?

Do you think the fast advance should be done in the most telegraphed way possible?

Do you want a glacier that needs a 4 turn scoring window to achieve true glory?

Are you just sick of winning?

Then play the slowest fast advance deck ever!

This deck is built around using the Crisium Grid/Off the Grid combo with Excalibur thrown in for extra jankyness. ICE up HQ so hard that people think you've started a hockey rink. Then ICE up R&D to be the practice hockey rink. Slap down Crisium Grid, Off the grind, and Hollywood Renovations (yes, you have it by now, it's turn 25) and start advancing it! Once you get to 5, start scoring one of the many agendas in your hand out of hand! Next turn, do the same thing and win with a look of smug satisfaction as your opponent stares at you in disbelief as, yes, you did just win with a deck that needed a four turn scoring window.

Seriously, this deck is built to jank and the true victory isn't winning, it's the look on your opponent's face when he/she realizes that yes, this a deck does fast advance. As slow as possible.

20 Dec 2015 bubbathegoat

Are you sure you don't need Fast Track to get you Hollywood Renovation, just in case?

Also, with your ICE, I think you could replace Eliza's Toybox with either a Melange Mining Corp., since most of the ICE isn't that expensive to rez, and you can retain some surprise factor in your ICE (especially Assassin) or another Adonis Campaign. Or Ash 2X3ZB9CY, he'd just be a jerk in your Crisium Grid HQ.

Also, you can install multiple Off the Grid in the scoring server, so when one is finally trashed by an HQ access, you can rez another.

This looks like a fun deck to jank with!