[Startup]Built to blast!

longV 7

Actually, the first deck I publish. As it worked out quite well for me, also other players might have some fun with this one.

The ability of Weyland Consortium: Building a Better World really helps to keep your economy rolling while you advance ice and/or agendas. If played right, it is hard to get into a situation where you are stuck because of lacking money.

One of my favorite Agendas in this deck is Divested Trust as it can be quite a pain in the runner's ass, especially in combination when he/she scored SDS Drone Deployment and already had to trash an installed program for it. Playing Game Over afterwards becomes then a real bummer.

While the runner is low on credits, a combination of Manegarm Skunkworks and Reduced Service in the same server allows to score at least one agenda even without Ice protecting it. Can work out well in the early game. With adding La Costa Grid and extra Ice, this server can become very powerful.

Advancing the Ice strategically makes fun and allows to add some extra pressure, as most fully advanced Ice can become very nasty.

Last point: if you want to increase the speed/momentum of your deck, installing Wall to Wall helps.