Silence! v1

AV8R 26

This is the first version of a Genomics-based flatline deck. I'm very open to suggestions to trim it up. I wasn't trying to design an anti-Noise deck, but in a lot of ways this is one - a 4-0 record in my first 4 tries against my BIL who incidentally ran with a Noise deck. Probably the most important counter to it is Imp, but Hostile Infrastructure can make even Imp non-viable.

Aside from scoring agendas (which are reasonably dense - 21 points in 9 cards), here are the win conditions:

a. The runner runs Archives. At all. As soon as you can throw a single Ice in front of Archives, start dropping Shock, Shi.Kyu, and Fetal AI in there. Once you have a few net damage in there plus a couple on the Ice in front of it, you have a good shot at winning outright if the runner tries to drop the number of face-down cards for your ID.

b. Various damage from Ice, Fetal AI, etcetera, followed up by a Ronin (which you don't have to protect because of your ID)

c. 2 Chairman Hiro and 1 Ronin, or vice-versa.

d. Runner gets a couple Shi.Kyu and some Agendas - follow up with Philotic Entanglement to knock 'em out.

Sundew is a great economy card here because it costs a lot to trash once you have Archives built up, and the money from it is unbelievable. Mental Health Clinic is also good, plus makes them feel safe, then you can trash it to install other stuff, and follow up with a Hiro to make the runner suddenly have to trash a bunch of cards. Hostile Infrastructure also works nicely to make trashing no fun. Between 3 Jackson Howard, Architect and Hades Fragment you should also be able to last a long game if necessary.

17 Jan 2015 AV8R

I am a moron because I said 2 Chairman Hiro. :) 1 Chairman Hiro and 2 Ronin is how it should go. A bit of work, but unless the runner has Imp you are probably going to push it through.

17 Jan 2015 Pinkwarrior

@AV8R I've found Trick of Light to be very useful for this deck type and i actually quickly replaced Sundew cos it needs defending and is of no use until your set up i found PAD Campaign to generally work out better as its always costly to trash and can be left undefended even without setup.

After a couple of games i actually removed Shi.Kyū it didn't really have room for my deck but i also am not running Philotic Entanglement. My decks also not lost a game after about 4 games against different people i think some of that is that people aren't used to the ID yet.

I also though Power Shutdown would be great in this deck but i have no influence left in my deck. Thats my experience with the ID so far i hope it helps.

This is my deck if your interested it may give you some ideas.

17 Jan 2015 Oneiro

I really like the idea behind this deck. One thing though: You Know that the Fetals dont fire when they are in the archives, do you? So i would probably Not want to throw them into archives.