Data and Destiny's Gagarin Gimmick - v1.0

algorithm 112


- The idea is to have a bunch of remote servers with drip advertisements (PAD, Launch) that are either not protected or lightly protected (such as with Pop-up). Checking and trashing these should be relatively expensive due to Gagarin. Advertising income can snowball unchecked, so most runners systematically trash campaigns. If they do this, you can re-deploy with Ad Blitz later for a large tempo lead.

- ICE suite has many small, cheap, gear-checks. These help get an early Public Support, or other 2 pointer. You don't have to worry too much about totally locking things down, since agendas are only 2 points each. Late game, you're going to need to rely on Archer/Ash 2X3ZB9CY/Tollbooth to push out remaining points.

- Public Support works really well as food for Corporate Town and Archer. Corporate Town decimates many runner economies, and counters a lot of cheesy combos that rely on resources.

Ad Blitz is an awkward economic recovery card, because it doesn't instantly give you money, and it costs a lot up-front (Each resurrected PAD costs 3, and each Launch is 2). However, because it is an operation, it typically stays around as an option. Turns following a Blitz have gotten me a glut of money or a substantial tempo lead while the runner scrambles to tear down ads again.

"Space" for improvement

Here are some meta-counter-cards that are probably required, but aren't particularly interesting in this deck:

  • Crisium Grid to deny a ton of popular cards (Eater, Datasucker, Siphon, etc.). First 2 cards I'd add in if I had space. Would love some advice on what to cut.
  • Cyberdex Virus Suite - great against viruses
  • Swordsman for Faust
  • Blacklist to deny recursion

Here are a couple other cards that I considered:

  • Expo Grid - More money protected by the same ICE, but also lets the runner consolidate clicks when trashing
  • Scorched Earth+SEA Source would be a nice alternate win condition, but it didn't synergize with anything else in the deck. It requires 5 (otherwise useless) operations, as well as 4 influence. If you cut the Tollbooths+3 other cards, you could add the suite back in.
31 Oct 2015 WayneMcPain

This looks awesome. I've been playing a very similar Gagarin deck recently, but I love the Data and Destiny twist you put on it. Expo Grid is definitely worth it (you start making bonkers amounts of money) but I don't know what I would cut from this list to put it in. Looks great!