Drag(themthroughtheremote)mari (5 - 2 at Worlds)

Cpt_nice 1958

This is a slightly different version of my euros deck, dropping the Prisecs, Threat Assessment and a single Boom for a Border Control for a more annoying remote and Self-Growth to really annoy runners. I think making the deck vegan would be correct, as Booming runners is pretty difficult nowadays. I only scored out this weekend. If you do want to be on Boom, you should definitely play 2. Mausolus is better than Fairchild as it is cheaper and thus less devasting to lose to Hippo. If you go the vegan route, you could consider 2 copies. The one Public trail was there to present forks with HHN and to get cheesy Backrooms wins. You should btw play 2 copies of that.

The deck lost to Lat and Apoc Hoshiko and won against 2 more Hoshiko's, 1 Wu, 1 Lat and 1 Smoke. My runner deck was a near-copy of Rubenpieters list, with the only changes being exchanging the Overclock for an Imp. I briefly considered adding Misdirection because I assumed Ob would be very well represented but considering the field was a ton of Sports, I am happy I didn't.

Thanks to everyone who made Worlds an absolutely amazing experience. Thanks to NSG for organising and giving us the chance to play in person again after these difficult years. And special shout-out to my fellow GLC mod and friend Slapdash for all he did for me.