The Day the Evil God was Born - v 0.5

Dydra 2805

Okay, hands down, this is the most EVIL deck I've ever made. There will be need for some tuning, but the initial idea is solid and it will DEFINITELY catch a lot of people off-guard if you bring it to a tournament.

The plan is simple. You dump EVERYTHING in your archives ( if you want to), or as much as you like.

You build a Remote and you stack Data, mines and Excalibur in front of Archives.

When the runner makes his glorified run into Archives. You hit him for:

16 net damage from Agendas (max), 3 net damage from Shock and 3 net damage from Shi-kyu, unless they wanna steal... + 2 Net damage from Data Mines.

If they somehow survive the total of 24 net damage, you have some Neural EMPs to turn them into scrubs ;)

Also since you had Excalibur on Archives, they can't run the remote where your Board is.

The Board negates ALL their points ... even with the 3 Fetal AIs and 1 Philotic that is still just 4 points, and not enough for them to win the game.

26 Jan 2015 asteriskreaper

This seems insane... does it work?

26 Jan 2015 asteriskreaper

Also fetal ai seems kinds week here, are you expecting ppl to run on it and get hit with the trap or access it from archives?

26 Jan 2015 Glitch

Is the plan to just click for credits? I don't see nearly enough economy to be able to keep up enough pressure to score to put the runner in a position to have to run.

Also, with Anarch being on the rise right now, Imp is everywhere. The Board just is not safe.

Something else to remember with the plan of throwing agendas into archives is that the damage from Fetal AI does not trigger when the runner accesses it while it's in archives, so don't rely on that damage when thinking of the kill.

26 Jan 2015 Dydra

If the runner Imps The Board - yes it's pretty much game over.

However, that's why you run 3x Executive Boot Camp so you can fetch it ASAP in case you don't draw it.

Speaking of money ... you have only 1 ICE that costs more than 5c and considering Snares and whatnot you have to fluctuate around 5 to 8c :)

Which medical Fundraiser and Gilla's hand aint that hard.

Also yes the Fetal doesn't do it's damage when it's in Archives, but who cares, it's still 1 Net damage for the steal :)

Now, drop the damn guessing and answer me honestly :

Which runner exactly will run into archives with more than 5 cards in his hand? ;)

Unless they know that thiss is the deck .... you just have to rezz The Board in the rezz window after they say they will access ;)

27 Jan 2015 Glitch

You're under the assumption that the runner has no agenda points before they run on archives. Also, remember that no matter how many traps are in archives, if there's enough points in there for the runner to win, they can just choose to access the agendas first and win since the runner chooses what they access in what order.

To answer your question, any sensible runner that sees you frantically throwing cards into archives will either a) fill their hand before running at it, or b) just let you keep doing it and focus on R&D or HQ since you can't score from archives.

27 Jan 2015 Dydra

@Glitch Now I'm sure you are just hate writing, because u obviously are pretty dumb ( or just bad at this game).

First, it doesn't fucking Matter if they are at 5 points when they access archives, the board will make those 5 points = 0 ... get it???

Second, even if they choose to access the agendas first ( u damn genius, thank you for explaining the game to me !! ), they will be TAKING 0 POINTS ...

ZERO .... Once the Board is up , even if they access 10 agendas, they will be stealing 0 points and taking 1 Net Damage .for each... let alone traps and such ....

Also of course you will be playing 0 advance face down cards, sort of shell-game, don't think that you will be simply dumping shit into archives and that's all ...

god damn, the people that write on the i-net these days ...

27 Jan 2015 razhemnet

Just wanted to say, reading your last few decks, how fascinated I am by how much of a cunt you are to anybody that says anything to you that is not praise.

Outside of that, what is stopping me from passing on archives, getting some money and just taking a few in the chin till I find the board and nuke it while also R&D locking you? I mean, throwing everything into archives makes me weary to get near there since even without genomics, it stinks of Shocks and Shikyu and face checking face down remotes isn't sure death as long as they aren't advanced. Also, any economy denial deck will keep you poor. I've already played a standard PE deck with pretty potent economy and even then, a couple of syphon's would leave me pretty much playing with a hand behind my back and hoping to get some bluffs going.

27 Jan 2015 Glitch

I'm honestly trying to help you, not hate writing. I don't call you names or try to be insulting, but whatever, keeping throwing out insults and trying to hurt my feelings if it makes you feel better.

All I'm trying to tell you is to play for worst case scenario. Sure, you'll probably get a couple of wins here or there by flatlining an inexperienced runner when they run archives. Sure, The Board might help you stop a runner from winning once in a blue moon. I'm not going to hold your hand, and tell you that you make perfect decks, because I feel you can improve them. This is a website where people post decks for constructive criticism, I figured you understood that. Not everyone is going to agree with you, it's a way of life. So, instead of being belligerent and attacking someone's character or intelligence when they attempt to help you, maybe listen to them and heed some advice. If you don't agree with that advice it's fine, but make a valid arguement why you don't instead of name calling, because no one will take your arguement seriously if you do. You can't just say that every time you play a deck that everything turns out all puppies and kittens for you and assume that's a good enough arguement.

I'm done, continue trying to start a flame war, feel this is some sort of victory against my argument, do whatever. It's pointless arguing with someone who doesn't actually want help.

27 Jan 2015 SlySquid

@razhemnet is right, your a dick man...

Just so rude, I'm going to mimic what @Glitch said, it's just critasisum, if he's wrong no harm... But if he's right it could help with a better deck...

Just gear down big rig lol

27 Jan 2015 Dydra

@razhemnet hahaha , what praise? :) Please, I'm looking for no praise, but I'm looking exactly for some ideas that will help me make the deck better .... Sadly yelling "ECOOON!" isn't the one thing I want to hear.

Now regarding your "gameplan" (tm #trademark pending). Just think that you are unware of this deck and you start the game presuming that you play a regular PE. Ok? Because most people that haven't seen it will do that ...

What happens?

You will be weary of Shi.Kyuu and Shock in Archives? Which PE deck has a slot for Shi.Kyuu currently? 1 out of 10?

Also how many decks currently play 12 1-pointers? 1 out of 10? ( at best)

I'm not even discuss The Board's surprise factor.

How long it will take you to understand the deck that is against you works the way this deck works? Quite a while .... by then you would have made a couple of mistakes and that will most likely cost you the game.

R&D lock against Jinteki PE? You have 9 traps in this deck and 12 1-pointers + 3 Fetals ... let him R&D lock you .... unless it's Indexing or Keyhole .... that's fine with me.

Only thing I don't want u to lock me out is from The Board and I have 3 fetches for him. Way higher chance to draw it. After that, come search for it in my hand or whatnot :)

@Glitch Explaining to me things which I have already considered ( like how the board works and the runner can access cards from archives in order he wants) is hardly a constructive feedback .... I mean obviously you haven't figured through the deck completely, in my opinion, if you present to me such things as feedback.

@SlySquid you are a sly dick .... ? or a dick squid ? :D

j/k j/k

Now if I say that there are 5 people on this website, who could really give me the feedback that I want ... you would call me arrogant ... but it's sort of the truth.

I'm not disregarding the fact that random person X might see something which I, or other solid deck builders haven't, but it's pretty low chance and I honestly got sick and tired of the same comments.

Look at my Titan deck, the Mark Yale suggestion was the real feedback that I needed/wanted, not some repeating 10 times " you don't have Hedge Fund/ Restructure omg how will you play this deck" ... well, derp ... obviously those are the easiest and most obvious choices ... of course I've considered them and it would be easy to put in .... but that's so damn obvious that I don't know what to say ... I'm simply looking for other more elegant solutions

That's that.

27 Jan 2015 SlySquid

I hear what your saying and I'm a man that loves to think out side the box @Dydra, and maybe it's true we don't all see it like you but instead of shitting on people...

The simple fact is, two heads are better than one... Help the "idots" understand your reasoning for not including cards and they may wise up to your idea and think of great ways to make the deck better, if it in fact it can be made better...

But I'm really not sure if your just mean to be mean honestly, I thinks it's a bit of a joke and it's very hard to take you seriously regardless of how good you may be...

Respect can go a long way my friend, and I'd say I'm more of a Dick Squid, lol it sounds cooler...

I like your ideas and the core values of your decks but 90% of the time I just glance over them in the list because it has your name and I can't stand your negativity...

Sorry if I offended you man, I don't mean to but I really think your being a dick... And I just don't see any reason for it...

27 Jan 2015 Dydra

@SlySquid the reason for my negativity comes out exactly from trying to explain certain card choices to the "idiots" ( this is a harsh word for them, but let's just roll with your statement ) ...

If I follow on my example how every 2nd person yells " rawr raw this deck needs Hedge Fund or it won't work " .... I explain my reasoning why I have the card replaced in that current build .... and after that they follow up with " rawr raw, NO HEDGE FUND !! NO WORK " , because the person saying that hasn't played a deck without Hedge Fund it in his life.

Well ... kinda normal to get negative in situations like that .... after some time kinda normal to stop explaining stuff to "idiots" as well ...

I really wonder if some wanna be expert deck builders ( TM pending), don't come on the site just to check if your deck has a Hedge Fund on it and if not, to let you know that this is the mistake of your deck and why it won't work .... seems like a legit occupation to me

2 Feb 2015 xpointsh

Dydra OP