Prepaid Kim Ice Destruction

hi_impact 1733

Edward Kim is like a Shaper. Every access into R&D is huge, as well as HQ somewhat, but everyone loves and protects R&D already.

My approach to Kim, who I think is a solid ID akin to Reina is somewhat traditional and stale. Prepaid economy to pay for things, and classic ice destruction enhanced by Eater and the new events, that also benefit from Prepaid.

My simulations have shown that once Kim gets on top of you, it's really hard to get out, especially for FA/Kill decks that rely on Biotic or Scorched.

This deck might need some tweaking for MEMORY or DRAW or TUTOR, but I really like the Sneakdoor. Pressure on all servers, Sneakdoor allows more HQ accesses where operations sit.

First cards I would cut would honestly be the datasuckers.

Another interesting note is that Singularity loves Prepaid, if testing frees up some space.

23 Jan 2015 jawohl

Not enough draw i'd say. Kinda might need Inject & Dejavus, otherwise super-duper concept -> Sneakdoor + PPvP that is what I am trying to achieve and fit in anarchs now :)

7 Feb 2015 Pinkwarrior

Id drop a Sneakdoor Beta for a Test Run / Self-modifying Code this way you still have the ability to go get Sneakdoor or something else and it doesn't change your card slots or influence. The test run would probally be best as it can be played for free with the pre paids and can be used as recurence for your other programs on top of that you can use it multiple times thanks to SOT.