Results In 14 Turns Or Your Money Back

DrunkenGineer 855


The first thing you're gonna think when you see this deck is, "47 cards! How dare you?". Let me explain. When you're playing as MaxX, you're not going to want to draw cards. You're going to want to go fast. And what happens when you have a 45-card MaxX deck? You draw 5 cards at the start, leaving 40 cards in your deck. Thirteen turns of "Trash 2, Draw 1" later, you're down to 1 card in your deck. At this point, after a whole game of clickless draws, are you going to want to click to draw that last card? I think not. And what happens next turn? That card goes to the trash, never to be seen again. Such a shame.

But with 47 cards in your deck, you're left with 42 cards after your initial draw. That's a lovely multiple of three. 14 turns later, you trash two cards off the top of your stack and draw the last card, perfectly content with that last draw. Then you go on your merry way, run a server, and win the game. And that's where the deck's name comes from. Results in 14 turns or your money back.

Deck Breakdown

0) Mash in all the recursion you can.
1) Go fast.
2) One emergency LARLA, in case you're playing a slow corp.
3) ???
4) Profit!

MaxX sets up brutally fast, at the cost of getting a random subset of her deck each game. So how do you get around that? By turning your heap into your hand. You could ignore recursion cards and just play whatever you're dealt, but I feel like the variance there will be too much for some people to stomach. So you just want to play multiples of everything and recursion for everything you want out of your heap.

Card Choices

  • Until proven otherwise, I'm betting that Eater plus Spooned with a side of Parasucker is Anarch's best code gate breaker thus far. Especially with Lotus Field around.
  • Three of each breaker because you know they're getting trashed, it's just a matter of bringing them back out. With just an Eater, you can Retrieval Run and pull any other program out of the heap (barring Swordsman in front of ETR, but a Parasite can get you through that too)
  • PPVP for economic speed and Power Shutdown protection. If you're facing a slow corp and need to use LARLA, your second pass through your deck will be supercharged with these suckers already on the field. Also you're gonna be pounding the Deja Vu, so these guys can take the edge off its cost.
  • Grimoire vs. MemStrips is a huge toss-up right now. Testing needed to see if the extra memory is worth giving up the instant virus counter.
  • Day Job is gonna be so good when it's needed, but really restricting. hence two of it and two Lucky Find.
  • Singleton Legwork and LARLA because influence ain't free and that's what Same Old Thing is for.
27 Nov 2014 Treiclon

Clever! I like that you're using Spooner to Eat the Lotus Fields while parasiting the rest. I'm not sold on Sure Gamble here. What do you think of Dirty Laundry instead?

27 Nov 2014 DrunkenGineer

Definitely an option, especially since Eater doesn't get in its way. The reason why it's not in the deck is because I didn't think of it while making the deck. :/

27 Nov 2014 yog-sothothry

what about swapping legwork for wanton destruction? that gives you influence for a 3rd lucky find.

27 Nov 2014 Whizkid

Great call on 47 cards + LARLA. That'll probably be how I build MaxX too.

27 Nov 2014 Diegofsv

Loved the deck. Made some changes....Added Keyhole instead of Medium since its great with eater for early aggression and its safer against Jinteki PE and the Weyland Argus. MaxX suffers so bad with damage, that I added a couple of steelskin too.

27 Nov 2014 DrunkenGineer

@yog-sothothry Not a bad idea, especially in a MaxX deck with Stim Dealer

@Diegofsv I love the idea of Keyhole in MaxX. The thing is, Eater wants Hades Shard for hitting Archives, and I'm not sure if MaxX can deal with singletons that aren't events (Same Old Thing) or programs (Clone Chip).

Steelskin as passive damage defense is probably a great idea too. I'm not sure if you'd ever actually want to play it, though.

28 Nov 2014 kaifeiyu

why not diesel is good in shaper and splashed in anarchs sometime. with 1 ppvp steelskin is diesel.

28 Nov 2014 DrunkenGineer

@kaifeiyu, you wouldn't want to play Steelskin (except early in the game) because MaxX has built-in card draw already. Instead, you want to keep them in your hand to protect yourself against flatlines.

30 Nov 2014 hi_impact

Professor on MaxX: "She practically lives in the Levy Computer Lab. Doesn't even go to school here."

30 Nov 2014 federicolatini

I don't understand why not limit the flaw of the id by playing 3 special orders (sameoldthingables), i mean a MaxX deck is telegraphing retrieval runs so I bet the archive is gonna be protected, if you are forced to use clonechips for the breakers swordsman could become a pin in the ass, sure eater is there for those "istead of accessing" cards but hey you should have a way to fetch 'em!

1 Dec 2014 DrunkenGineer

@federicolatini Honestly, that's not a bad idea. Special Order would definitely make a good splash; the question is what influence to cut.

2 Dec 2014 federicolatini

i would cut 2 lucky find for a 3rd day job and add 2 special order, special order. you would be 1 card over so why not cutting an icebraker for each type to go back to 45 and increase consistency, at the end of the day Larla is a must play, even for not slow corp decks.