House Apex - Our 1's and 0's are Sharp

BreakAway8 48

I'm really enjoying Apex and this deck has been monumentally fun to play with.

Any feedback on this deck would be appreciated.

12 Aug 2016 beladee

I really want to know what Apex's Day Job is.

13 Aug 2016 BreakAway8

@beladee Donald Trump's Twitter profile manager.

13 Aug 2016 moistloaf

no Turning Wheel?

13 Aug 2016 djc6535

How do you protect Crypsis from Swordsman?

13 Aug 2016 codychilton13

@BreakAway8if you want something a little crazier and more "out there" check out my apex lists! They haven't lost many games in tons of GNKs!

15 Aug 2016 BreakAway8

@moistloafI don't own Turning Wheel. Might look into it. @djc6535 Literally no idea who or what Swordsman is.

15 Aug 2016 djc6535


It's a piece of ice that cannot be broken by AI ice and trashes AI ice.

I'd ask the same question about Turing. How do you get past turing? It's not a straight ETF and cannot be broken by AI breakers.



15 Aug 2016 Vol

Always Be Running will get through both of those Ice.

17 Aug 2016 lunchmoney

Day Job cant be played once Always Be Running is in play. Just something to be aware of.