Heavy Metal

JWHamner 345

This is a deck I've been having some success with utilizing the well known NEXT-Amazonian-Foundry Jank (e.g. use Amazon Industrial Zone to rez ICE on your turn so that you can use your ability on both players' turns). The basic idea is pretty standard glacier: make a single tower of power agenda server, stick Caprice and Ash in there, win game. You can use Amazon Industrial Zone on centrals, but I have found it best to use the first one to quickly set up your remote with two rezzed pieces of taxing ICE (Eli 1.0s, NEXT Silvers, etc) for a grand total of 5 credits. However, the biggest play trap that you want of avoid is succumbing to the temptation of just stacking ICE to the sky on your agenda server: if you have Caprice and/or Ash in there then it only takes about 3-4 pieces of ICE for the server to be essentially un-runnable.

As everyone knows, the biggest weakness of NEXT ICE is Parasite. I included Bioroids to mitigate this a bit, but Targeted Marketing is your main defense. ALWAYS say "Parasite." I do mean ALWAYS. You are going to want to be clever and say things like "Account Siphon" or "Self-Modifying Code"... don't, or you will be sad.