Uncorrodably Blue v0.2

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Uncorrodably Blue v0.3
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vor_lord 194

Revised version of the original based on feedback from this community (thanks folks). Still needs to be tested.

I've always liked @CrimsonWraith's Uncorrodable deck using GRNDL (he credits Azeltir with the idea). This is an attempt to use Blue Sun to do the same. Blue Sun offers a more robust economy, which is where the older deck sometimes suffered (particularly siphon recovery).

With 3x Will-o'-the-Wisp, and 3x Interns, you can make most runs cost an icebreaker. The hope is that this opens scoring windows.

I can't imagine this deck without Targeted Marketing. In one game, this got me 40 credits. Now that there is at least one good runner current (Itinerant Protestors), there's even more reason to have it handy. If you don't like the card though, more Reversed Accounts would be useful. Once the gig is up and the runner knows what you're doing, you need to be able to induce runs, or deprive them of credits. That's one thing the older version of the deck lacked -- this one has the big ice and hopefully the economy to support it. There's nothing to stop the runner from just piling up credits and waiting for you to try and score, knowing they will lose their fracter, but considering it a cost to steal an agenda. Hopefully some big ice and Reversed Accounts will help at that point of the game.

Executive Boot Camp is for getting Adonis/Reversed when you need it, and also offers a Blackmail counter. I thought of using Chronos Project, but since Will-o'-the-Wisp doesn't put programs in the heap, it didn't seem a good fit.

I didn't think of anything from O&C that seemed to fit.

Sagittarius is my current choice of program trasher. While it costs 8 to trash a program reliably (compared to 5 for Grim), I can take it back using Blue Sun's ability without hesitation, and play "where's the Sagittarius". That said, Grim could slot in especially if there was something you were dying to use the influence on. Wormhole is a wildcard which isn't a terrible OAI target, as well as being potentially a nasty surprise once a program trasher is up.

This deck seems to suffer for card slots more than being tight on influence, as there is a fair amount of flexibility.

13 Mar 2015 IonFox

This might just be me but I'd seriously suggest a few more barriers (bastion/fire wall/changeling), whichever ones you feel are nice, in order to burn more Ladies and tax out corroder.

On that note, I personally would also probably swap out the boot camps and hades fragment for 3x superior cyberwalls, which just seems to be made for uncorrodable.

13 Mar 2015 vor_lord

@IonFox This isn't really a taxing deck. If they have no breaker, it doesn't matter the strength (that's the idea anyway).

That said in my game yesterday my Ice Walls were vulnerable to parasite (somehow I didn't see a single Wraparound). And Curtain/Hadrian's, while very taxing and useful in BS, is vulnerable to D4v1d. I ended up trying to score behind a rezzed curtain wall, unrezzed Archer, and rezzed ice wall. With Blackmail in play, he was able to use D4v1d and Parasite to get through without a fracter. Wraparound would have solved that.

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