Upgrade Your Genome (corrected)

ShinGensou 9

This is straight-up fast advance out of Jinteki with no Trick of Light in sight. Draw aggressively with and without Jackson to keep your face-down archives stacked, and your cards unpalatable to trash. Caprice and Hokusai Grid discourage runs on centrals while you score your 2-pointers off your SanSans. Get those Interns to re-install your upgrades as needed!

This deck plays slowly, and probably loses hard to Keyhole (there's none in my meta right now).

9 Apr 2015 ShinGensou

On the original (incorrect) listing, @rumirumirumirumi said:

IG FA with SanSan is really strong. The problem I had playing my version of this deck was how long games ended up taking while I worked through the deck to get agendas. How long are your games on average with this deck?

I think I agree with your assessment on the slowness of the deck. Yesterday I was digging for the Medical Breakthrough that would let me win, and it was literally the last card in the deck. Even on average it takes a long time to get set up, and consistently drawing agendas during those scoring windows can be tough.

Maybe there's room for Fast Track in here somewhere? I'm not sure what I'd cut...

9 Apr 2015 rumirumirumirumi

From my own experience playing this kind of a deck, the late game becomes a struggle over R&D, whether the runner can get into it consistently enough to deny you agendas from the mandatory draw. The trouble I would see in playing Fast Track is that you're showing the runner that there's an agenda in HQ, a server that you might not have as tightly defended as R&D (by late game Caprice should be on R&D imo). So its usefulness in closing out a game comes at the risk of telegraphing the final agenda. If you did want to make room for it, you could probably cut 1 Shi.Kyu since you don't need it really early.

There are some a risks you're taking by going to a larger deck size. First, with the larger deck size you're less likely to draw a card that you need in any particular moment. That can be problematic when you need to mandatory draw agendas to capitalize on a window made by a hard-to-trash SanSan. Also, the increased deck size means you have fewer ice per cards than a deck with the same ice suite but fewer cards. This can cause a variety of probl;ems, especially in the early parts of the game when you need to defend your central servers from things like Account Siphon, Keyhole, Indexing, or runs on Archives to flip face down cards. Finally, your deck isn't built to score the Future Perfects. That's not a huge problem since they defend themselves in Central Servers, put they are an agenda that the runner can steal but you cant score which gives them a definite edge when it comes to closing out games (since they can score 7 points while you have to score 8, and they have extra cards they can get points from). Going up to a third Future Perfect may not be worth the 4 other cards you add to the deck.

You have several 3-ofs that could probably go down to 2-ofs along with TFP. As I mentioned, Shi.Kyu could go down to 2 copies. I think Caprice could as well, since you don't need her in the early game and you have Interns to bring her back if you lose her. Hokusai Grid could also go down to a 2-of because it needs face down cards in Archives to be a real problem for most runners (Keyhole decks excluded).

Here's the decklist I made for IG FA which could give you food for thought if you go on to develop this deck more. I think IG is really cool and I'm glad to see people working on it.

10 Apr 2015 ShinGensou

Interesting! I agree with all the things you're saying. Deck size feels important to me in this deck given how much I want to over-draw, but I suppose I should just try with 49 and see what happens!

I like your list a lot. Do you find the Hostile Infrastructures doing good work? I was a bit concerned about having the money to rez them, my expensive ICE, and SanSan City Grid.