Applied Piper

Skeletons 147

This is a vaguely effective deck I had some fun with last weekend.


One half of the deck are the unique/pseudo-unique economy cards Kati Jones and Professional Contacts enabled by the fantastic deck-thinner Paige Piper. Prof also provides the deck's main card draw once it's in play.

The other half of the deck is the hardware. Confession time: This was originally a Dinosaurus deck, because I stupidly forgot that console doesn't support AI programs. I tried Omni-Drive instead and boosted it with LLDS Processor, and I do not miss the dino one bit.

To play

Install Paige and Professional Contacts as soon as possible, ideally Paige first. Also install a quick Overmind to hit servers while drawing through the deck for the other cards (and more creds with Profs out).

Aim to install a least one Omni-Drive, Kati, and every one of the LLDSPs as they come. Meanwhile recur the breakers as they wear out. Use the Same Old Things to get the most out of the run events.

Watch out for Cortex Locks, obv!

Why are there 42 cards?

The second Levy AR Lab Access is probably unnecessary, but I'm not yet brave enough to remove it. The Woman in the Red Dress likewise can go, I just really like playing with it!

Those two can easily be cut later, but right now I'm still fiddling. The next version swaps the 3xSure Gamble out for 3xData Folding and I'm keen to see how that works out when I next play.