Conscious Nasir 2.0

b4ralai 1156

A.C.M.E. Trademark Inc.

2.0 Version of

29 Sep 2015 thesm17

Add Deus X against Komainu/Swordsman/other annoying sentries?

29 Sep 2015 shimya

What do you think about adding Chameleon and/or Inti for dealing with Wraparound, Swordsman and Turing placed on central server?

I'm also curious about Crescentus? How good is this card actually and would you consider testing with e3 Feedback Implants which comboes very nicely with Faust and D4v1d?

Btw. how does Ghost Runner fits into this deck? Since you would be dealing with most of the Ice with Faust it doesn't seem necessary.

As a Nasir Meidan: Cyber Explorer player, I'm interested to hear your experience playing against fast and asset heavy decks as they seem to cause a lot of trouble for Nasir Meidan: Cyber Explorer :)

30 Sep 2015 say200426

1 swordsman,GG

30 Sep 2015 Badeesh

The clone chips might disagree ...

30 Sep 2015 Badeesh

Though I might drop a dealer for a Mimic, just to be sure.

30 Sep 2015 b4ralai

or just add a deus ex. But tbh swordsman in neither so common nor so distruptive to force a counter in this deck. Test it on your own and you'll see

@lyn crescentus is the core of the deck. If you dont derez ice, you cant keep breaking and taxing the corp. 80% of my games ends up with no ice rezzed and the corp trying to hide agenda somewhere, with their few credits. This deck couldnt affoard an e3 constant break. Better trash, derez, and draw again ;) Ghost runner here is mostly to trash assett or add few credit to spend during run for paid abilities. FOr example, rezzing a 4 credit ice wont allow you to smc for faust, so the other one comes from ghost runner. Keep in mind that 1 or 2 credit are loss at turn begin, so basically this deck works with 0 credits