Talk Softly and Carry a Big Spoon V2

staglore 359

Step 1- Run R&D Step 2- Spoon Step 3- Repeat

23 Nov 2015 staglore

Thanks to @FarCryFromHuman and @Bigguyforyou518 for your suggestions.

23 Nov 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Yeah this is way scarier IMO. I also really like the use of Pipeline here! It's a wise influence saver and counters a major weakness of this archetype: stacked sentries.

Honestly the only other thing I can think of without playing this is that Escher is super good for Kit and gives you some handy HQ pressure. One copy might be able to replace a Scavenge, the Net Celebrity or your second Plascrete Carapace.

I'd also try to jiggle slots around to squeeze in the third Armitage Codebusting.

23 Nov 2015 Bigguyforyou518

So I made a very similar version of this after our discussion and tested it for 4-5 games.

Biggest changes I've made:

  • -1 Trope +1 Spooned
    • Without other tricks like bypass, Parasite, Paintbrush, etc, you have to lean extremely hard on Spooned in this deck. Not getting it early will absolutely cripple you, and with a LARLA and 3 SoTs, you've still got 12 of them, but with much greater consistency (early, at least).
  • +1 Chakana
    • This is experimental, but it seemed to me the perfect answer to being unable to run Clot - since we're stubbornly hammering R&D anyways, why not toss this in? It's a decent target for extra SMCs. The biggest issue I've found is it's not an on-demand FA stopper, obviously, and having to build it up over 3 turns only to hit a Cyberdex Virus Suite is maddening.
  • -1 R&D Interface +1 The Maker's Eye
    • I might go even harder on this, but without something like Modded or Stimhack/Personal Workshop, RDIs are brutal to install - just too goddamn expensive. The Maker's Eye won't telegraph your (first) R&D assault quite as much, and can be replayed with SoTs if you don't need Spoons.

I'm still really digging the idea. I think both our decks suffer from slim econ, especially if you have to get your hands dirty with some asset trashing.

24 Nov 2015 GrantZilla1979

I watched @staglore run his older Kit deck that leaned heavily on Paintbrush at a few weekly tournos at the Covenant. Turn compression killed him vs. Corp ID's that could exploit it.

I'm liking this a heck of a lot better. And this may sound crazy, but Immolation Script could work here as well. Most people aren't going to worry about ICEing archives vs. this ID, and it could blow a scoring server wide open that they're holding you off from.

Archangel and Will-o'-the-Wisp could give you some headaches, but with the recursion you're packing they'd only be temporary ones.

24 Nov 2015 GrantZilla1979

BTW - This deck is going to be scary as hell during the Mumbad cycle once this gets Rebirthed into from Kate.

24 Nov 2015 TrungusWungus

Architect would sound extremely painful!

24 Nov 2015 GrantZilla1979

Not too bad, I don't think. He's going to be blasting away the ICE in front of it to try to keep it a code gate. And if an Escher is worked in, he'll just shunt it to a server he doesn't care about accessing.

25 Nov 2015 staglore

The more I look at this list the more I'm concerned about it's econ. Might need to work in a couple Dirty Laundrys

@Bigguyforyou518 Chakana is a good idea. Might need to try that.

25 Nov 2015 staglore

@FarCryFromHuman Escher Would make this crazy good.

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