This asset is essentially a risky biotic labor. The risk is that it is an asset and a cheap trash to boot. You can't rely on it for a key strategy or you'll find that strategy ruined when it gets trashed. Compared to Biotic the obvious upside is that it can result in more than one extra click. A twice advanced Haas Arcology AI is worth two Biotics at the price of just one. The arcology has an additional disadvantage in that it takes at least 3 to become worth playing, 1 to sintall and 2 to advance.
This should all be pretty obvious, so lets illustrate a few points that might make this more desirable in a specific setup over just a normal Biotic Labor.
-This card is more easily recursible and tuterable, Executive Boot Camp and Tech Startup can fetch this out for you when you need it, Team Sponsorship, Architect can recurse used and/or trashed copies, multiple times even. Blue Sun: Powering the Future can recurse this right off the table.
-This card can be used for hidden information tricks, play it in a heavily iced glacier remote and advance it twice, bluffing a 3-5. If he goes for it he'll have to break your glacier, possibly spending enough to open a scoring window next turn. If he leaves it alone you can rezz it and FA one or even two 2-3's in a row from your hand, assuming he still doesnt go for it after you complete the first one. A unique Jinteki deck could even install this naked and advance twice.
In other words, Biotic Labor has much less risk, is much more easily splashed (it doesn't require support cards) and far quicker, Haas Arcology AI however when pulled off is likely to be worth two or three times as many scored agendas at a much lower cost.
If your deck uses asset recursion already to reuse Adonis Campaign or Eve Campaign, likes to glacier up and/or tutors assets AND uses Biotic Labor already for FA strategies, then give this card a test run. When pulled off it will work beautifully, but to make it work you need to align a few stars first.