A green Embolus-ish card at first sight. However they are much different in their uses. Reduced Service:
- Starts at full strength, enabling reactive lockdown of a server that you predict the runner would run. (E.g. Create a scoring window on the remote, protecting a naked Bio-Ethics Association after the first run in Jinteki: Replicating Perfection, protecting Ronald Five on the last click, etc.)
- Counters cannot be regenerated once exhausted, barring derez shenanigans with Divert Power or Test Ground in Standard
- Is more like a Tollbooth in server tax calculation compared to Border Control for Embolus
- Is more usable in asset-spammy decks (Centrals only) compared to Embolus
- Not payable by Bad Publicity
(Salvaged Memories era)
This asset incentize the runner to go against centrals. In a glacier, this card could shine very bright.
— Diogene