Startup View:
Kinda have to rant on this but it just goes way over my head why someone would ever use this instead of the just simply better Enigma. Sure it is a nice facecheck earlygame but who says that you'll actually draw it then? In the mid and lategame this is just a >dead< card which as described earlier gets broken for a single effing credit... It's really just not worth the rez cost, the click to install and therefore the deck spot. Oh did i mention it's also porous for rich runners? Like they pay 3 credits and just move through it which kinda resembles...using an effing icebreaker? How many do you want to put in your deck of these to get your cool painful earlygame facecheck? 3? Jesus, for your own sake - don't.
Look at the alternative in Enigma : Just 1 more rez cost but an actually unconditional ETR subroutine and 3 to break with the ubiqitous Unity (tho 2 to break with Gordian Blade). It also has a hurtful facecheck by losing a click.
What I want you to take away from this review is this: If you ever think about putting a Whitespace in your deck >really< consider if it would be better than an Enigma. I'm putting my hands in the fire here by saying that in at least 95% of the cases it just is not.
Enigma is going to be better in the majority of decks, it's true. However, Whitespace is going to be valued more by Corps that want to move fast and don't really care if the run is ended, they just want the runner to be poor. Trace decks, Spark decks, horizontal asset spam decks and just generally any credit tempo deck may be persuaded to slot this instead of Enigma.
— Chezni
IDK, I think there are plenty of cases where that 1 extra rez cost makes a crucial difference.
— OrionJA