Deep Red Nasir v1.0

Dedbelly 1

I've seen a few decks like this, and feel like it could really capitalize on Nasir's strengths, so I'm taking a stab at it. This is definitely a work in progress so feedback would be super appreciated.

A lot of this is pretty typical Nasir, relying on Personal Workshop and Self-modifying Code to exploit pay windows.

For breakers I've included Mimic and ZU.13 Key Master for SMC face checking, and Gordian Blade and Atman are for mid to late game efficiency when you stop getting as many creds from rezing. Femme Fatale is there to bypass ICE late game so the corp can't ruin your game-winning run by rezing new ICE to wipe your pool. I'm not happy with the inclusion of Battering Ram but I haven't found a way to swap it for Corroder yet.

Rook is at the heart of this deck, and I feel like it's usefulness is self explanatory. Deep Red allows you to recur a Rook mid run and also gives you some needed MU. Bishop can help deal with ICE like Archer that always seems to ruin Nasir's day. If you have Deep Red out you can Clone Chip in Bishop for free or SMC it in for 2c which seems affordable to me but I haven't played with it yet so I might drop them.

Only other thing that might seem odd about the deck is Replicator. My thought here is that you can draw a bunch of cards in a pay window by leaving Replicator on PW, which could prevent a flatline. Im not sure this deck is hardware intense enough for that to work anymore, so I'm thinking of scrapping them for some Plascrete Carapace.