Kate's Box of Tools

Pinkwarrior 2351

The deck is designed with tagging decks in mind but with a simple approach that allows you to deal with most styles.

Magnum Opus a strong econ that can't be taken away with tags

GS Shrike M2 a good breaker that can deal with cards like Information Overload

Clot & Clone Chip's to slow down fast advance decks & stop Psychogrphics

Feedback Filter to help with Bio-ethics decks / even Brain damage effects.

The Toolbox helps make GS Shrike M2 easier to use also +2 link to deal with Resistor / make Assassin cheap and 2MU to allow a full rig.

Sports Hopper Protection & draw if needed also more link for Trace's that aren't tags & more MU early game with GS Shrike M2.

Employee Strike a fantastic card that really shuts down corp decks.

Infiltration / The Maker's Eye this is a flexi card slot i personally like having the one off Infiltration as i see quite the verity of traps around atm and it can save alot of money on run's against glacial. But the one The Maker's Eye is also very good in this slot and can be gaming winning.