Sprinting Ken - League Play - CotW (Running Interference)

Quildra 23

Our local league has a "Card of the Week" where if we play 3 copies of it in our deck we earn point for prizes. This weeks card is Running Interference. We also have a set of hard to pull off achievements that can earn us more points, one of these is to win a game using 0 programs.

I'm reasonably new to Net-runner, but I thought I'd give explaining some of my choices ago.

Always Be Running: There purely to get around Guard, which is likely to turn up in our local league.

Levy AR Lab Access: Seen as I'm relying on the run events to do the work for me I needed to reset my deck to get them all back.

17 Feb 2016 GrantZilla1979

I think Public Terminal would give you some much needed influence.

Like, for breakers or something. Even a single double-stacked ICE shuts you out eventually. since you're running 3x Same Old Thing, you can probably trim some of those events down to make room for breakers.

Dirty Laundry is super good with Ken, and I think you're going to want more econ than Kati + 3X SG can provide.

17 Feb 2016 Quildra

@GrantZilla1979 I'm running no programs on purpose for more points in my league, but I do like swapping out Prepaid VoicePAD for Public Terminal. I see your point about econ as well I was going to try and add in Daily Casts and Data Folding but i couldnt think of things to cut but you are right i can prob reduce some of the events down and just Same Old Thing them back. Thanks for the feedback