Sprinting Fisk - League Play - CotW (Running Interference)

Quildra 23

a runner deck that has 3 copies of Running Interference and no programs for a local league

16 Feb 2016 DrMarodi

I'm wondering how Legwork and The Maker's Eye works here. They work not so well with Running Interference. What about Feint? You can combo it up with Emergency Shutdown and Forged Activation Orders.

16 Feb 2016 Quildra

@DrMarodi: The league has a set of achievements to try and complete, one of them is to win a game with a deck that has no programs, so including feint would rule me out for that one. But I think I think I'm going to have to give up on that achievement a the moment and re-work the deck anyway.

16 Feb 2016 Torf

Feint is not a program...

16 Feb 2016 Quildra

@Torf: So its not, I think someone in my play group had mentioned it, said it was and I took them at their word, my bad.

16 Feb 2016 thesm17

Apocalypse instead of 1 RDI??