Virality Bites

MollyMillions 41

[NB. Please bear in mind that my card choices are limited to cards I actually own! Feel free to suggest anything you like, but don't assume I'm leaving cards out by choice.]

The main idea here is to use Darwin to steamroll through any ice and then trash your opponent's plans; perhaps you'll even win the game in the process? The rest of the deck is about supporting this.

I think (??) this deck's biggest vulnerability is virus purges, but there's a few tricks in here to try and make purging more painful for your opponent, and to bring you back up to speed when it happens.

This deck's been through a few iterations, and I'm still testing it out and looking for things to change.

The main thing on my mind at the moment is that there are a few 'legacy' cards left in from earlier builds, which made sense at the time but perhaps do not synergise with the rest of the deck as well as they used to. The Blackguard/Infiltration/Quest Completed combo is a good example [edit: a great example - I realise now that Accessing and Exposing are totally separate concepts, so Quest Completed can't even trigger Blackguard]

The other thing on my mind is that relying this heavily on viruses might just be a plum terrible idea! But I created this deck to get away from my old Shaper decks and try something new.