Noise: Consistent Pressure

MmmBraaains 463

I've been playing Noise since day 1. This deck has grown over many many many games of testing and its the most consistent list Ive had.

Often people debate about the influence, Ive found 2 clone chips + 3 Cache + 3 Aesop + 1 Hades Shard is essential. The extra 1 influence is a toss in with Gorman Drip (I'm open to suggestions there).

There also seems to be debate on whether or not to use Djinn—I love him. The searching when your draw is rough is essential. He helps cushion the blow when you dont see the Aesop or Wyldside early enough. And of course, he solve the memory issue.

The addition of Cache allowed me to drop Sure Gamble. Not to mention Deja Vu and Clone Chip make Cache even more amazing.

23 Dec 2014 Humanoids

The economy seems pretty sleek. Do you think it's enough for boosting Crypsis ?

23 Dec 2014 MmmBraaains

It's always felt good for me. CyberFeeder, recurring Cache, Aesop, Armitage

23 Dec 2014 Badeesh

Spot on. I'd only really look for room for some Corroders (sigh wraparound) and Daily Casts beats Codebusting in my world. Other than that this is solid solid noise.

23 Dec 2014 MmmBraaains

What I like about Codebusting is that I can drop it and click it 3 times for 6 credits. Daily Casts takes to long for me. Codebusting also is much better late game when Im ready for a glory run and I just need to credit up for Crypsis.

23 Dec 2014 Badeesh

Yeah it's a personal preference. I prefer Sahasrara over clone chips but at this stage it really is down to personal preference rather than genuine efficiencies. Daily is stronger with Wyldside out. But Armitage is better flat out profits.

23 Dec 2014 MmmBraaains

I used to run Sahasrara but I decided to swap in Cyber Feeder so I could run clone chip when Cache came out. Cache makes the deck fly, especially with Clone Chip and Deja Vu

23 Dec 2014 Badeesh

I've always found the Deja Vu's and Djinn enough for Cache lulz. Clone Chips work great on Parasites mainly, so if you are going more for milling or ice destruction.

Noise can do both great, hence it really being about personal preferences and playstyle. I don't think there's any improvements here, only how people prefer to play Noise.

24 Dec 2014 FourLeaf

Replace wyldside with Earthrise Hotel and this list looks pretty good to me. I don't think I'd run noise without Inject but maybe that's personal preference. I also like a singleton of Stimhack in my list for that "glory run" you speak of and does it more efficiently than armitage. Good stuff.

24 Dec 2014 joeymcjoeysalot

I'd play an Ice Analyzer over Gorman Drip v1 personally. Acts as a free to install Cyberfeeder in most instances.

26 Dec 2014 MmmBraaains

I dont understand the Ice Analyzer suggestion. I dont see the rezzing of ice happening enough to warrant that over another 1 cost virus.

26 Dec 2014 MmmBraaains

Earthrise Hotel doesn't beat out Wyldside for me. Only 3 draws and the 4 cost is pretty steep for Noise in the early game. Needing to play it later on makes it not so great for me. Id love to hear more feedback on how its worked out for anyone else though.

26 Dec 2014 joeymcjoeysalot

I feel that's like saying you might as well cut parasite if you don't think ice rezzes are going to happen. It's a free resource that you can use to install programs viruses, for free and then pawn to pawnshop when you don't think it is going to be useful anymore. Seems like all upside to me

27 Dec 2014 MmmBraaains

@joeymcjoeysalot maybe its just a meta thing. I dont feel like a lot of ice gets rezzed to make it worth it. If I have it out turn 1 and the corp rezes 5 or 6 ice the entire game—does it really do much? As compared to a virus that can turn into more money and trigger noise's ability?

maybe just a play style choice. I appreciate the suggestion though.

30 Dec 2014 DJINNandJUICE

Earthrise draws you 6 cards dude. And you don't lose clicks. Starting a turn by drawing two and having all your clicks feels really good. And you can pawn it after you remove the second counter, making it essentially a long draw four that costs a click and a cred. Try it some time. I'm also curious, how's hemorrhage working for you?

1 Jan 2015 MmmBraaains

I just added hemorrhage when Incubator came out. So far, not a fan...but Im gonna keep trying it for a bit.

2 Jan 2015 MmmBraaains

I've decided to -1 Hemorrhage +1 Incubator. Having 2 Incubators on the table is a great way to counter act purging.